30 • Decisions

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The Ace of Spade's rulebook states that their only way of determining who has a hold of the gang would be a gold plated playing card with the symbol of the Ace of Spades handcrafted specifically for the purpose of their head's position.

It's the only card with both the Ace and the Spade present, as all the other members of the gang have their own gold card with only an Ace symbol.

Up until the very last days of their Spade, the golden plate will then be passed on to the current second in hand- who takes the position of the Spade unless challenged. Jungkook knew all of this clearly, they all took part in the rule book anyway so it'd be hard to forget.

"I don't want you guys to think that I'm withdrawing because of Jimin." Jungkook says seriously, "He'd be extremely disappointed if I based my decision on that. This decision is entirely on me."

The Ace's were still silent, no one tried to make a move to say anything or even move a limb. The silence was loud. Louder than the crackling of fire wood from the burning campfire.

"You guys are family to me." Jungkook asserted, licking his lips and running a hand through his hair as he places his elbows on his thighs to stare at the fire. "Always have been more than a gang. I've known you guys for almost six years- there are many more things I want to go through with you guys but as family. Not as the Ace's."

"I'm not accepting." Taehyung says, his shoulders tensed as he takes the gold card and places it back on Jungkook's thigh. "I don't want to be the Spade."

"Hyung." Jungkook called out, his tone upset as he turned to his best friend since diapers- the person who's had his back since day one with pleading eyes. "Taehyung hyung, please. I need to pull out for my future, I-I love the Ace's, I do. I'd take a fucking bullet for one of you guys, but I can't-I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to be a gangster anymore."

Though it had been a fact already, saying it out loud from Jungkook's point of view had a bitter aftertaste from the tip of his tongue.

The raven haired couldn't quite place it, was it jealousy because he'd not be called the Spade anymore? Or was it just bittersweet because it's something he knew was coming some day all along? He wasn't sure anymore.

"You don't have to be a gangster to be our Spade." Bambam says firmly, turning to the raven haired with a serene look on his face.

Jungkook wants to laugh, because Bambam was like Jackson; always boisterous and joking but right now it was ironic to him since the latter was more serious than he's been for all the other years they've spent together combined.

"I also meant it when I said, I don't want anyone else to be our Miracle." The latter continued, wringing his hands together and gulping. "For me, there will always be one Miracle and that'd be Jimin. Therefore, for me- There will always be one Spade and that's you, Jungkook-ah."

"I agree with him." Jackson added, folding his arms and kicking away some sand from where he has his gaze fixated on the floor. "I'd have no energy to challenge Taehyung, because I don't have bad blood with anyone here and the Spade's title isn't appealing to me. If you're withdrawing, then consider me done with this too."

"Me too." Namjoon says, drumming his fingers on his thigh. "I'll withdraw too, I have plans on pursuing music production with Yoongi."

"Music production?" Jungkook says in awe, his eyebrows raising at the information. "Like, major producer's of hit songs?"

"Mm." Yoongi says with a light smile, the Ace's momentarily forgetting of the conversation at hand. "I've been meaning to look for colleges with offers for Music, My dad knows of one which secures us early training to write and remix songs for underground rappers and debuting idols."

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