Ro- I think I've got serious competition!


Ro- I also saw you and Virat laugh and run to watch the replay of when Jassi fell while hitting the six, how mean y'all!

Jassi- Bhaiya☹️❤️

Vi- Bhaiya ke chamche! Who asked you if you were fine the very second you got in?

Jassi- You😬

Vi- So?

Ro- Don't be jealous of him loving me more!

Vi- Do you Jass!? Who do you love more?

Ro- Yes, tell him.

Jassi- So I broke a record today... How about that?

Vi- Yes only for that we'll leave you.

Virat-Rohit chats

Vi- I'm posting a reel!

Ro- Okay? Promoting what?

Vi- Do you think I just post ads?

Ro- No? Then show me any 3 continous random posts from your account.

Vi- Uhm... The private one?

Ro- No, the official one with the huge 200M followers.

Ro- No. 211M..

Vi- Why're you keeping tabs on my followers?

Ro- This is hardly tabs, you want tabs? It's 211,337,516 currently if there aren't 10 more people newly following you right now.

Vi- Holy fuck Rohit you're crazier than a fan.

Ro- It's actually a insult to me because I am above all those fans, I am no. 1😇

Vi- Oh sure, but we've just deviated miles away from the topic.

Ro- Oh yeah, what is the reel?

Vi- You know there is that trend POV: You open my gallery one?

Ro- Virat you're not 15, wtf!

Vi- Just shut up, my manager thinks it a great idea too!

Ro- Okayyy?? And?

Vi- *Sent a file*

Ro- Nice, I always like the one with you and Mahi bhai, the videos with Nushkie are cute too!

Vi- And?😒

Ro- And you look nice?

Vi- That I always do, and?

Ro- And is a connector word that is used to connect two sentences?

Vi- What tf is that?

Ro- I don't know, you kept asking and? I don't know and what!

Vi- You didn't notice?

Ro- What?


Ro- What? God you're dramatic!

Vi- I've put a picture with you in that reel!

Ro- You have?

Vi- Yes! Go watch again!😒

Ro- After watching it thrice I think I found it, it's in our test Jersey's isn't it?

Vi- Finally! Thankyou!

Ro- But why though? It's a great record of not having a single solo picture with each other.

Vi- I know but my gallery is filled with our pictures! How can you open my gallery and not find it!

Ro- You don't have to be literal!

Vi- No! But I want to! I really wanna have a picture with you here.

Ro- And what happens when the fans find it?

Vi- I don't think anyone's gonn find it! It took you 4 tries to spot it after knowing that it's in there! You think anyone's gonna notice it immediately?

Ro- Well to be fair, it's there for 0.1 second only.

Vi- Sooooo? Should I?

Ro- Will you not post if I tell you so?

Vi- Nope, already posted!

*One hour later*

Vi- Umm so...

Ro- Is this the right time to say, I told you so?

Vi- No.

Ro- Too late, already said it😝

Vi- They found it unnaturally quickly! I mean how!?

Ro- Don't mess with the fans Vi, nothing misses their eyes. Nothing.

Vi- Pehle nahi bata sakta tha? God you're so useless!

Ro- The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch!

Hey guys!! I hope y'all liked these random af chats!

I want to be more consistent but somehow it's alotttt hectic than before, mostly because of my college and all!

But i'mma try to see y'all more more frequently!

Seee yaa!!

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