"Thank you for the food Mrs. Boram." Haechan said as he looked at all the dishes on the table.
"Please, no need to add the Mrs." she shook her head.

"Now say it with me, Bo-Ram."
Haechan looked at Hana for help but all Hana did was shrug as she had a cheeky grin.
Haechan looked back at her mom before clearing his throat.
"Thank you for the food Boram.."

She clapped her hands.
"Now dig in children, no need to rush."


"It was so nice meeting you Haechan." Boram said as she gave him a sudden hug which surprised him.
He didn't know what to do so he looked at Hana with a panicked face.

Hug her back Hyuck, what are you even doing.

But like I haven't hugged anyone in a while-

So who am I then?

No not you- I mean like... parent wise...

Hana looked him in the eye and smiled.

Trust me Hyuck, just hug her back.

Haechan was hesitant, but nonetheless he also hugged her mother.
"Take care of my Hana okay? She may seem tough but she's really such a baby." Boram said to Haechan as she broke the hug with a smile.
"I hope you and Hana are happy. That's my only wish."

Haechan felt his heart warm up.
Is this what it was like to have a mother figure in your life?

That's when Boram looked at Hana and Shotaro.
"And you better treat him right." She pointed at Hana.
"If she does anything wrong let me know Taro. I'll knock some sense into her."

Hana rolled her eyes before going to her soulmate and grabbing his arm.
"I'll treat him just fine thank you very much." She puffed her cheeks out.

Haechan found her adorable as he looked at how she smushed her face on his arm.
That's when he poked her cheek.
"Ah-" she looked up at him with an confused look.

"Sorry," he chuckled. "You just look to cute right now."
That's when Hanas face tinted a bright pink as she mumbled something under her breathe.
"What was that?"
"Nothing you need to worry about." She puffed her cheeks out once again.
"Mhm, are you talking shit about me?" He said with a little smile.
"And if I am?"

Hana and Haechan continued to playfully bicker as Boram and Shotaro just watched them.
"It seems like I won't have to worry." Boram said with a sweet and heartwarming smile.
"Yeah, I mean look at them. They're honestly in love." Shotaro said with a nod.
"So when will I be able to meet my sons beautiful soulmate?" She said to him.
He shrugged his shoulders.
"Whenever she decides to pop up in my life I guess."

Boram ruffled his hair.
"You both have grown up so much... oh how the time flew by." She said as she put her eyes back on Hana and Haechan.
"Yea, but we'll still be your kids at the end of the day." Shotaro said with a smile.
"Of course." She said as she returned the smile.
"Now come here Hana! Let your mother give you one last hug before you go." Boram said as she walked up to her.

Hana gladly hugged her mother back as she engulfed her in a tight and warm hug.
"Be safe okay?" Her mother said.
Hana nodded her head as her mother broke the hug.

"Alright my little munchkins, I'll see you whenever." Boram said as they walked out the front door.

"Bye ma! I love you!" Hana said with a wave.
Boram felt nothing but warmness in her heart.
"I love you too Hana. You to Shotaro." She said as she waved them good bye.
"We'll be sure to visit you again soon. Bye mom."

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