Come So Far

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I feel like time has completely come to a standstill. My family is here. They're not on a screen in front of me as they usually are or just voices down a phone. They're standing right in front of me, my parents and my sister. They're actually here.

Covering my mouth to muffle whatever noises are doing their best to escape, my feet begin to carry me as I hurry as best as I can to my mum, the source of the comforting, warm voice and wrap my arms around her tightly. The emotions I'm feeling right now are just too much, I'm so overwhelmed and my hormones are just adding to it. My family are here. They're not in a different time zone or country or continent. They're here, in London in mine and Hero's home. In the kitchen to be precise. But they're here. They're really here. I can smell their familiar scents and touch them in the flesh. They've come so far.

"It's okay, sweet pea, it's okay," holding me, she rubs soothing circles on my back as sobs begin to uncontrollably fall from me. It's been years since I saw them in person. Years since I felt my mum's loving arms wrapped around me, heard my sister's infectious laughter in person and felt the protective, watchful gaze of my dad. My head buries itself into her shoulder while I hold onto her. It's like she's my buoyancy in the waves of emotion I'm feeling, keeping me afloat during all the tears.

"You're - you're here?" I sound like I'm asking a question like my mind isn't allowing me to believe that this is happening. Tentatively, I pull away and mum leans in to wipe away the tears that are still falling with the pad of her thumb. She begins to nod yes, smiling warmly at me.

"We couldn't miss your baby shower now could we?" I pull her back into my arms, feeling the overwhelming tidal of emotion wash over me all over again. Fresh sobs sound around me and I feel a gentle but strong hand rubbing my forearm that's wrapped around my mum. Pulling away, I move my eyes to my sister and then to my dad briefly, before bringing them back to my mum.

"Is this real? I'm not dreaming, am I?" Kat begins to giggle as does dad while mum simply smiles softly at me, shaking her head no.

"It's definitely real, Josephine. As real as your bump, darling. Now, are you going to introduce us?" Wiping the last few tears away, putting my emotions at bay I smile as best as I can before nodding yes and turning to face everyone else so they can meet my family, here in the UK.

As my mum asked, I lead my family around the room, introducing them to everyone as I go. It's so lovely and heartwarming seeing my family, in person, interacting with those I hold dearly, here in the UK. My home is here now, with Hero and Mila and our little one who'll be making her appearance soon, I'm sure. They hug and kiss everyone, asking how I know them so I allow our guests to explain to my family how they know me.

Obviously, Hero's parents explain who they are as does Mercy. They've already met Mia via FaceTime just as I've met her family through the same method. Only they've not met Connor officially and I'm sure I sense some nervousness like she's introducing him to her family even though I'm sure those formalities occurred long ago. And if I know Mia, it'll have probably happened straight after they got together. She doesn't like to waste time.

We work our way around the room, chatting to everyone briefly before moving on to the next set of people. But purposefully, the last two people I leave to introduce are my family. My home. Hero and Mila. Just as I'm about to turn my attention to them, waiting patiently at the island, I feel hands move onto my rounded belly before they begin to rub gently.

"I'm sorry, sis. I just had to feel your belly. It's..." I sigh, knowing what Kat's going to say but I'll say it for her.

"I know, I'm huge," she begins to laugh as do I while nodding yes. I do feel like all of a sudden my bump has grown and the little lady in there is getting all the good stuff from the food I'm eating. I look up at my mum, seeing her eyes adoringly trained on my belly. I know she wants a feel too, so I take hold of her hand and place it on my rounded belly, knowing her bum is sticking up under where she feels.

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