Plenty Of Time

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Perhaps it's because I'm still floating on an imaginary cloud since becoming a daddy again, but I really am on cloud nine. Still. I have another daughter. Another little girl. Another member of my tribe, that now consists of three incredible ladies. And that number is all because of Jo. My mind has wandered back, often, to how we met. Her letter. The letter I've framed in secret and placed in our youngest's room for her to find when the time's right. One day, when she's old enough to understand, I'll tell her the story behind that letter. Jo's and my story.

Last night really was a dream. The baby woke up every few hours as we expected her to, fed from Jo and then went straight back to sleep. During her third feed at around 2am, Jo told me to sleep and rest. But there's no way I'm letting her sort the night feeds on her own. They're tedious and tiring enough as it is so there's no chance I'm leaving her to that. Our little one may be feeding directly from Jo but there's no way she's being the only one to lose sleep. That's not fair. We made our baby together, so we'll look after her together.

Every time she woke, Jo fed her and I winded her. It made us both laugh each time because as soon as I sat her up, she began to drift back to sleep. With my hand under her chin to support her, she quickly found sleep again before I lay her in her crib.

Surprisingly, even though neither me nor Jo had a solid night's sleep and likely won't for a long time now, I don't feel tired as my eyes come into focus. Not one bit. I can only think it's because I'm partially still running on adrenaline. Although, my foot is sore from all the walking I did yesterday. But I needed to. I didn't have any choice and my girls needed me.

Rolling into me, Jo sighs and gently tightens her hold on me.

"Hmm, morning daddy," I smile at her use of my name. Now, something not only Mila will call me but this little one too.

"Morning, mummy. How did you sleep?" She smiles at my use of her counterpart. It only seems fair.

"Good, when I slept that is. You?"

"Same really. Although my foot isn't great today," she rolls her eyes, sighs and begins to shake her head in disbelief.

"Why am I not surprised? Make sure you use your crutches today, please," nodding, I lean over and place a kiss on her forehead before our heads turn, hearing a little whimper. My eyes move to our baby girl, her arms stretching above her and her little legs curling in.

"Someone's awake. I'm hungry, should we have breakfast?" Jo nods and slowly sits herself up before scooping our baby into her arms.

"Morning, sugar plum. Mummy will feed you in a bit," slowly, she swings her legs over the bed and hisses as she stands. She's going to be sore so we'll take it slowly, for both of us. As she stands, moving the baby onto her chest, I grab my crutches which I brought up here late last night and slide my hands into the circle supports while pushing up to stand.

Walking out of our bedroom and down the hall, Jo and I take it nice and slow, for both our sakes before arriving at the stairs. Shifting her hold on the baby, she takes my crutches from me and carefully descends. As she does, slowly, I lower myself down to sit, not moving to make sure Jo makes it down safely. As she reaches the last step, she looks up at me, smirking.

"I wish you were old enough to laugh at your daddy with me," she says, stroking the baby's head. I make my way down, smiling as she watches me.

"I already have you and Mila ganging up on me. I don't need her to too, love," she giggles, causing me to too as I reach the last step. I push up to stand and press my weight into the crutches, allowing Jo to lead us through the archway and into the kitchen ready to have breakfast.

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