So Very Loved

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Gently, the bedroom door begins to open causing both my head and eyes to life from the sleeping little girl in my arm. She's not long since fallen asleep. I was hoping she'd manage to stay awake to meet Mila but tiredness after her feed got the better of her.

"There you two are. We were getting lonely," I keep my voice quiet, not wanting to disturb her slumber.

"Mummy!" Mila's voice stays equally as hushed as mine. She releases her hold on Hero's hand and begins to scurry to the opposite side of the bed. A smile grows on my face as I watch her come closer. She watches Hero with me following in her tracks, but all I notice is the lack of crutches. My eyes roll before I pat the side of the bed and Mila gently crawls onto the bed while Hero sits himself down on the edge. I've missed her. I loved that we had just one night with the baby but she was missing. The house was too quiet but all is right now she's here. My right arm extends out to Mila and she curls herself into my side.

"How's my sweet pea?" I say, looking down at her as best I can.

"I'm good, mummy. Are you okay?" I smooth my hand over her messy, not-brushed hair before nodding yes in response.

"I'm all the better for seeing you, big sister. Your sister wanted to meet you that much, she decided to come out of my tummy early," I know how excited she's going to be and I want this moment to be focused on her and her little sister. Hence my choice of words. She begins to giggle, smiling up at me

"She did?" Again, I nod yes, reassuring her.

"Do you want a snuggle? I think your sister would like that," I see Mila's face light up at my suggestion before she begins to keenly nod yes while moving her gaze to Hero. He looks so... proud.

"Will you take her, let's get comfy, sweet pea," carefully, I slide the baby into Hero's waiting arms and begin to move Mila in between my legs. I've already given this some thought about how I want this to happen. I want all three of us to be as close as possible and I know Mila will need help and I can offer that help like this. Her legs stretch the partial length of mine in front of us and her back rests against my front. Perfect.

"Okay, so I'll hold my arms under yours, okay? And daddy can lay your sister in them," with ease, Mila lets me manoeuvre her arms into the right position. Once we're ready, I give Hero the okay and he gently moves the baby into both our arms. I feel her breathing catch for just a second as she holds her sister for the first time. Her eyes are cast down but I'm sure excitement rests in them. I can feel Hero's eyes on us, again, another reason I wanted it to be this way. So he could observe.

"She's so little," she's right, she is. She's only 6lbs 8oz. She certainly didn't feel that little yesterday when I unexpectedly had to deliver her. But, as cliché as it sounds, I'd happily do it all over again to get her here. And especially for moments like this. I agree with Mila, nodding, before placing a kiss on her temple closest to me.

"I remember when you were this little too, princess," Hero says and I don't miss the slight bit of sadness in his voice. He's been here before. I haven't. But we get to share all of this, here and now, together. With one another.

"Does my little sister have a name?" Mila sounds so excited when she asks and it disappoints me to tell her that she doesn't by shaking my head no. Just as Hero does too.

"Not yet, no. Remember how I asked you to have a look in that book you found? Me and mummy wanted to know if there were any names you liked before we decided together," Hero explains. All the names we've juggled and thought of somehow just don't fit our brunette, green-eyed girl. Mila lifts her head up slightly, allowing me to see a soft smile growing on her face, followed by a nod.

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