Return To Reality

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A warmth courses through me as my eyes slowly blink open and into focus. Jo's head rests on my chest and my arms wrap around her shoulders holding her to me tightly. It's back to reality today. Well, for me and Mila at least. It's her first day back at school and it's my first day back in training now the New Year celebrations have passed. The Christmas holidays seem to have gone on for an age, not that I'm complaining though. It's been one of the best Christmases I've had in a long time and I know if I asked Mila, she'd say it was the best Christmas yet.

I would have happily let the Christmas holidays go on for another week or two. Just to let the news that I'm going to be a father all over again settle in. But skipper duties are calling me and it's back to season training, ready for our matches to restart and it's back to school for Mila's Spring term in Reception. The luckiest one out of all of us is Jo. She's got one day left until her school returns. For some reason, a reason even she doesn't know, the school decided to return on a Tuesday, not a Monday. Not that she's complaining, even now, still, she's fast asleep in my arms.

Allowing myself a few moments, I carefully watch Jo in silence as she rests against me. I'm still in shock that she's pregnant. People try and try for months on end to successfully get pregnant. Me and Jo weren't even trying, far from it in fact. But this baby, just like Jo and I was meant to be. I've been excited since the moment she told me, it's been at the forefront of my mind ever since. We decided last night we'd wait until after the twelve-week mark and her booking in scan before we tell anyone. For now, just me, Jo and Mila know and we've sworn Mila to secrecy, telling her Santa won't come this year if she blabs. It seemed to do the trick.

Leaning down, I place a kiss on the top of Jo's head and begin to carefully slide my way out of bed, doing my best not to disturb her. She's well away, so I lay her head onto the pillow before kissing her temple and pushing to stand. With Mila not coming in here by now, I know she's also still asleep so I'll have to wake her. It's unlike her to wake up but the extended Christmas holidays are likely to thank for her still being asleep. If I could have made the holidays go on any longer, I would have, happily. But reality had to return at some point.

I love waking up with Jo, I've gotten so used to it over the course of the holidays. She's been here all the time and I don't want to go home. Deep down, I want to wake up with her every morning. Curled around one another like we were this morning. Letting her go home - now especially - just doesn't feel right at all. We have a baby on the way. Our baby. And I certainly don't want our baby having two homes or Jo having to split her time between here and there. We should all be under one roof as one family.

Yawning, I stretch my arms over my head and sigh before pacing slowly over to the closed door. Silently, I open it and head down the hallway after pulling it over so it's almost closed. I know Jo's going to be tired a lot of the time now, so I want her to get as much sleep as possible. Her body and mind are working overtime so the more rest she can get, the better.

I head towards Mila's room and gently push her door open, peeking my head around. As I expected, she's completely flat out. Her arm rests above her head and her head tilts slightly to the side. Her mouth forms a perfect little 'o' as she breathes heavily in and out. I hate waking her up, especially when she's in such a deep sleep. But needs must, I need to give her some breakfast and get her ready for school before heading out.

Carefully, I pace over to her bed and crouch down in front of her. I'm going to have to be gentle, I really don't like waking her but I don't have a choice.

"Time to wake up, princess," I stroke her freshly-braided hair and smooth my hand as far back against her head as I can go. She stirs but instantly resettles back into her bed, finding comfort again.

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