Until Next Season

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The word proud doesn't even scratch the surface of how I'm feeling. It doesn't come close, at all. Finally, I feel like I can relax and not worry about the what-ifs surrounding my and Jo's relationship. She was by my side, just as Mila was for the traditional lap of honour and finally, I got to show her off to the fans and the world. Show the woman that has well and truly captured every part of my once broken soul and put me back together like I'm her personal jigsaw puzzle.

I've not felt so proud about... anything in a long, long time. Not since Sara gave birth to Mila, I don't think. Having her beside me, knowing she was being brave just as I was massively warmed my heart. I've never felt alone per se, but at that moment as we wandered the edge of the pitch hand in hand, I realised that my time alone and it just being me and Mila really has come to an end. No longer is it just me and my little girl against the world. We both have Jo beside us now and another little lady on her way too.

The lap of honour is something that's done every season at pretty much every football club. It's a simple way of saying thank you to the fans for turning up and spending their hard-earned money on the horrendously priced tickets. Because let's face it, they are. It was something when I was younger that I wanted to share with Sara. To have her wander around the ground with me. But it was something I never got to do. And of course, up until Jo arrived, I did this on my own with Mila in my arms. But I'm sure, one way or another Sara has shared that with me. Everyone was so happy, I could see it in their faces as they clapped and cheered. Everyone knows I've found my happiness and am quite obviously head over heels in love all over again. They also know that I'm going to be a father again which I can only imagine was the cherry on top for the media.

There's only one way to celebrate a successful football season. Especially when said season includes securing third place, a points tally record and a place in the Champions League group stage. A party. And not a party like last year that felt like a commiseration party of missing out on the top 4 and European football. No, a real fucking party. Where there's thumping music, dancing, alcohol and all-around carnage. Like I'm a teenager all over again.

This year's party will be so much more fun and meaningful than last year's dud of a night. I left early last year and treated Mila to a late-night fried chicken and chips collection on the way home from my parent's place. And unlike last year, because there was literally nothing to celebrate, I'll be breaking my non-drinking rule and definitely be treating myself. Now, I'm not saying I'm going to get wasted but I'll just be having enough to add to my enjoyment. I think I deserve it just as the rest of the team does too.

Walking down the familiar pathway beside Mila's school, I continue to push onwards to the playground seeing other parents are already there waiting. I join them by taking my usual place in the centre and train my eyes on the door Mila will come out of shortly. She's staying at my parent's place tonight. They knew I was at the party tonight and while Jo will be at home, she insisted on staying there so she can get a head start on her student's final year reports. She's always so proactive with everything in her job, she deserves the looming summer break more than any of us.

Mila will be receiving her school report soon. And I know I'm going to completely lose it. In the right way, of course. I know she'll have a shining report. She's excelling as I knew she would even before she started school. It doesn't seem like two minutes since I was dropping her off for the first time. Seeing her run into her school days with an absentminded smile. Something that'll always stick with me is how she looked over her shoulder that way. Without saying anything she told me she'd be okay and I would be too. And as always, my little girl was right.

The familiar bell tolls around the school and echoes onto the playground. Simultaneously the doors begin to open and the teachers step out of the building before they begin to dismiss their students. One by one, students from different parts of the school begin to dart out to their parents. I keep my eyes on Mila's teacher until I see her arrive at the front of the line, a smile on her face as she points to me. Patting her gently on the back, her teacher tells her to go and she barrels over to me, smiling happily as she always does.

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