Epilogue - Part 2: Full Circle

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Ten years later

Life has been so kind. Just when I thought I'd be dealt a horrendous set of cards after Sara's departure for the rest of my life, life seemed to have other plans for me and Mila. Without me even knowing as I trudged through the darkness every day for years, on the horizon a letter arriving in my weekly fanmail would lead to everything I have now and have had for the last fifteen years.

Before the additions, I had Mila. My oldest and the one who was my rock without even knowing before everything changed. Not only for me but for Mila too. She kept my head above the waves in the choppy ocean while I navigated life for both of us without her biological mother. My smart, loving and caring daughter that made me, me. She'll never know how thankful I am I have her. We'll always have a special connection, no matter what. She may be twenty-one now but she's still my little girl. Even if she is the oldest.

Then of course, Mila's sister, Sydney. Named after the beautiful city down under we were lucky enough to visit during her eighth birthday. While Mila has always had a knack for academics, Sydney's forté has always been sports. Something that makes me as a now-retired professional footballer unbelievably proud. She's always been sporty. Whether it was football, rugby, athletics or gymnastics, she excelled.

There was a time I didn't know whether any other children were on the cards for me. I always firmly believed that it'd be me and Mila against the world. And that would have been fine. We would have had each other. But I have a certain Australian funny girl, who's still to this day my funny girl to thank for changing that fate.

Josephine. My Josephine. My best friend, my partner, my lover and my darling wife. The mother of my two girls. The third in my three. The final piece of the puzzle to my tribe. I've always looked at us as a tribe. Each of us, reliant on the others to live day-to-day. For various reasons. Our short but painful separation was proof enough for me to realise how pivotal and crucial Jo is to my and Mila's life. And the life we've lived has all been because of her words writing her into our lives.


It's strange for me to say but nothing has changed. Absolutely nothing. We're still the family of four that we were always destined to be - one way or another. After Sydney's traumatic entrance into the world and given how complete we felt, we didn't go on to have any other babies. Not that I would have said no but I get the sweet end of the baby-making deal. It's Jo who'd have to do all the hard work all over again. And both of us agreed our two girls kept us on our toes more than enough.

Having Sydney changed and solidified everything for both Jo and I. She completed our puzzle. It only further cemented that Jo wholeheartedly is my person just as I'm completely hers. With every waking hour, minute and second, she's the first and last thing on my mind along with Mila and Sydney. There's nothing more rewarding than being a parent. I thought I'd felt it all with Mila but having a second proved I hadn't. I remember the days both my girls were born clear as day. I can replay the moments they were laid in my arms in my mind without fail. And still, all the feelings I felt during those moments remain too.

I thought time could fly with one daughter but I realised how really quickly it could fly with two. I've always felt like we were in our own little bubble at home together. All of us still enjoying the privacy I to this day work hard to maintain, growing up together. Not just the girls, me and Jo too. One thing I've loved seeing as we've grown is how Jo just knows what to do in every instance. Motherhood of two came so naturally to her. She's always known all of Sydney's cries and their different meanings and somehow she just knew how to divide her time between our two girls, setting a routine for both of them to fall into that seamlessly runs alongside one another.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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