Travelling Squad

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A few weeks later

I don't think I can put the happiness into words that I felt when I walked into Rush Green for my first day back. Jo was incredible in the morning. She took care of Mila and got her ready for school all while feeding and winding Sydney before we left to go our separate ways. I thought she'd be more nervous than she was but she knows I'm only a call away and will be there if she needs me. Regardless of my rehab.

Thankfully, my recovery is going well and I'm ahead of schedule for my long-awaited comeback. It's not only a comeback that I want, the fans want it and the team too. I can't wait to just get back out onto the pitch and kick a football around with the guys. Because I've not even done that yet. Not that I thought I would, of course. I've kept reminding myself that I have to be patient but it's going well and I'm on track to return sooner than expected.

I've been having a mixture of hydrotherapy, physiotherapy and various massages to build my strength back up and while they've been painful for the most part, Holly has reassured me that the pain means what we're doing is working. And soon, I'll be going back out and doing light, small ball movements which can't come quick enough. Personally, if it was left up to me, I'd be playing on the first team and leading them out during every match as I have done now for years. But the physio team don't think I'm there yet so my work with them continues.

I've been working really closely with Holly and she's said I've been taking everything in my stride which I've taken as a compliment. Apparently, not many people can look past the painful therapy in some instances. But I can. I want to and I have to. For the team, the fans, my girls and most importantly, myself.

Holly's a really lovely girl and I can see why Trent is so taken with her. She's guided me through every stage of my rehab, right from my return up to now, three weeks in. She's explained every part of my treatment, what we're going to be doing every day, why we're doing it and what it'll do for my muscles and bones. Of course, a lot of it is to help rebuild strength but other parts are about weight bearing and endurance. And it's working too. Or so she says. She has a bloody firm hand, especially when it comes to massaging my ankle. But, like I've said, pain means it's working.

Our Champions League match schedule was announced the day after the group stage draw. And after Jo's statement about most looking forward to Ajax, we found out that they're our first game and it's an away match, meaning I can fulfil my promise to Mila from last season quite quickly. Not that speed means anything in it but it's a promise I intend on keeping.

The same day, I booked everything for us deciding against travelling with the team simply for our own privacy. We still have a very new baby, she may be just over a month old but she's still very new and I wanted privacy for me and my family. So, I booked our own flight to Schiphol Airport via the company I used when we went on our babymoon to Santorini and secured a room in the same hotel for us all. So all of us, essentially, are part of the travelling squad.

And to top absolutely everything off, when I was leaving Rush Green today, I saw my name on a team sheet for the first time in months. I'm not listed on the first team or even on the subs, they've seemingly added another section under the term other where my name rests. But nevertheless, my name is there. Clear as crystal in black and white for me and the rest of the team to see. The rush I felt at seeing the three words on the piece of paper is absolutely ridiculous for a footballer of my level and calibre. But it's something I've not felt in a good while and it's given me a bit of a boost, knowing that playing football is almost on the cards for me.

Our Manager has told me to keep an open mind about playing against Ajax. Being honest, I have no idea what that means. I could be brought on for a few minutes, you never know. I noticed how he also coyly said this in the pre-match conference with the press when asked about my progress and return. He also let it slip that I'll be part of the travelling squad but left it with a simple, we'll see before ending the press conference. There's nothing like playing games with the press or our opponent.

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