Mastered The Art

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Not for the first time since I felt them, the fluttering in my belly causes my eyes to drift open slowly. A smile creeps its way onto my face as my hand automatically moves down to where I can specifically feel the movements. This is just part of my daily life now and it's a feeling that may have been strange at first. But over time, I've grown to love it. I know mine and Hero's little girl is healthy, wriggling and growing with these movements. I just hope he gets to feel them soon. And Mila too. Just so we can all share in the youngest of our family telling us she's here with us.

The warmth from Hero radiates from behind me. His hand lazily rests on my belly, just south of where I'm feeling our baby move inside me. It's such a magical feeling, I can't even begin to put it into words. It's incredible what a woman's body can do. All of this, her growing and feeding her is being done subconsciously by me. Without me actively doing or thinking anything at all. But she's getting what she needs from me and I'm more than happy to provide. The tiredness still hits me every now and again, but that's currently being taken care of by being on holiday. We've really taken our time to settle into the holiday and have put relaxing and enjoying ourselves as our number one priority. And that's where I know it'll stay until we have to catch our flight home.

Last night was the first night me and Hero made love and honestly, to say it was unexpected is probably a lie. I knew he'd want revenge on me. I knew what I was doing in the pool in the afternoon. It was just an absolute must in my eyes, I know he loves me teasing him just as much as I enjoy teasing him. And I knew the timing for something like that was far from perfect. Which just made it even more appealing to me. Mila wanting his attention and asking him to push her on the swing right as I was about to delve under his swim shorts was just the icing on the cake. Inadvertently, she'd given me a huge win over her father. He was far from impressed.

But yesterday, I saw a side of him he rarely lets out. It's like he cages part of himself. Locks himself away and unleashes his inner demon for times like last night beside the pool. I didn't expect him to take his revenge on me by the poolside. I expected to be in bed with him. But no, he decides to dive over me and tease the fuck out of me until I'm begging for a release.

It was such a contrast to how he usually is when we're intimate. Usually, I'm in control. Because Hero lets me be in control. It's one of the rare times, since we first started being intimate, that he's been guided by me and not the other way around. There's usually a vulnerability to both of us while we focus on simply losing ourselves until we crumble in one another's arms. His movements and touches are always gentle and careful and I know I'm safe with him; my well-being is at the forefront of his mind just as his is with me. He treats me like glass, his eyes are always on me. He's just so... good. In so many ways.

But last night, Hero showed me a different side to himself that I've never seen to that extent before. He was dark, dominant and completely in control. Not only of the situation but of my body too. I bent and bowed as much as my body would allow to every command and action he bestowed upon me. I was merely his puppet, he was the puppet master. Expertly pulling on all my strings as he pleased to seek his revenge on me.

Despite the changes, I saw in him yesterday, I knew I was still safe and as always we were so lost in one another. Still, it's so easy to lose myself in him. A part of me didn't want his revenge to end... It was unlike anything I'd felt before. I was desperate. He more than dangled the carrot in front of me mercilessly, edging me and holding me back from my release. It just made the fall all the more sweet and blissful when I reasoned with him about why he should let me come. Then both our desperations took over by the sunlounger. It didn't last long but it doesn't have to be long to be good, no pun intended. I certainly wasn't complaining over any of it.

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