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I'm ready to have our baby girl now. She may still be nameless but I'm sure we'll figure that out when she gets here. But I'm ready. My parents are here just as Hero's are but I'm ready. The thought of birth used to terrify me but now, it excites me. It's a means to an end and in the end, me and Hero will have our little one bundled in our arms. I don't care how much it hurts, I'm ready.

I'm officially at full-term now having hit the thirty-seven-week mark and my midwife agreed that I could go at any time now in the next three weeks. Braxton Hicks have hit me hard but I know it's just my body preparing itself. They've not worsened or anything so I've just been dealing with them, rubbing my belly and chilling out when needed.

But today is all about relaxation and being pampered. Me and Mila are joining my mum, sister, Mercy and Martha on a spa day. As I promised, I texted mum last night after she told me they'd made it to the hotel courtesy of Mercy. It was so kind of her to take them. Honestly, if I let them get the tube, it would be a disaster and I dread to think where they would have ended up. Canary Wharf, perhaps? Who knows. But they made it to Holborn safely.

We'll be spending the day at mum and dad's hotel in the spa. I've not had a spa day in too long. I don't even remember the last one but I think it was with Mia somewhere down the line. We drank Prosecco and ate nibbles all day after our massage, leisurely lounging around an indoor pool. But there'll be no drinking this time around for me, although I'm sure Mercy will drink my share of the alcohol if there's any to be had. And mum too.

I've no idea what our spa day will entail, I just know I have some relaxation ahead and that right now will be more than welcome. Mila's never had a spa day either so it was all she talked about last night before I put her to bed. I can tell Hero is missing doing bedtimes with her but it's just easier if I do them right now, given his walking predicament.

What I do know is, the hotel my family is staying at so the spa will be equally as lovely, I'm sure. We passed by it frequently when we ventured into central London together. Back when my family used to live here for the duration of dad's contract with the National Health Service. Holborn is one of the tourist-central areas of London. It's filled with bars, restaurants, hotels and only a hop, skip and a jump from the famous Covent Garden. It's no surprise they've decided to stay there.

But for me, now as a resident of London - granted in the suburbs - it's too crowded and busy. I enjoy the peaceful roads and tranquil quiet that and Hero get to share in Chigwell. I had exactly the same back in Alameda Place before I moved in, it's why I chose there. There are little nooks of the city where you can really drop on. The city is a busy place, there's always something happening and it's so loud. That's why it's suited to Mia, it's the epitome of her but the polar opposite of me. And I love where we live, I count myself lucky to live in such an area.

After whatever treatments and facilities we'll be enjoying in the spa, we're also booked in for an afternoon high tea. This is just something the British do especially well. Finger sandwiches, a variety of miniature, bite-size cakes, scones, cream, jam and of course, a pot of tea brewed to perfection. We're going into the restaurant after the spa so I've made sure to pack both me and Mila a change of clothes because God knows what oils they'll be using on us.

It's the afternoon tea part of today that really got Hero going last night. I'd go as far as to say he was a bit jealous that he won't be joining us for it. Perhaps it's the Brit in him but he quickly backed down, saying this was for us girls to enjoy and a well-deserved treat and rest for me. In his words, growing a human is no easy task and neither is giving birth so he's told me to enjoy myself and to just allow myself to be waited on by those there. And that's exactly what I'll be doing.

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