I'll Say This Once

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The trip to the spa was beyond heavenly. It was exactly what I needed without even knowing I needed it. Everything was so tranquil and peaceful and quiet. A little corner in the busy city of London that locked us all away for some bonding time and serenity.

I didn't realise how much I needed it until I arrived home. Even Hero commented on how chilled we were. The whole day made Mila extra sleepy, resulting in an earlier than usual bedtime. But that's no matter, it gave me and Hero an opportunity for us to do the bump mould my mum gifted to us. It's such a simple but thoughtful gift and even though it took ten minutes longer to set than the pack said it would, I'm still grateful. The finished result came out perfectly, you can see our hands resting over my belly, protecting our little girl before she makes her impending arrival.

Despite the relaxation at the spa and the wonderful evening Hero and I shared, basking in what felt like some sort of an afterglow I don't know why, but I seem to have taken a turn these last few days. It's now Wednesday and every day previous, Monday and Tuesday, my Braxton Hicks have seemingly marked their stay and have intensified.

It started on Monday morning just after I woke up. I felt and honestly still feel like my belly has an elastic band around it and someone is occasionally pulling it tighter. They've not changed since they started like this on Monday. But they're definitely here to stay, seemingly and have remained consistent. It's frustrating because I can't really do anything about them, I just have to bear with them until I'm actually in labour.

Alongside my Braxton Hicks, my whole body has felt fatigued and unbelievably achy. Anyone would think I'd gone ten rounds in the ring with Mike Tyson at this rate. But no, just the last few weeks of pregnancy hitting me like a ton of bricks. I suppose I should have expected this, my pregnancy hasn't exactly been easy but it's not been horrendously difficult. It's been a challenge but one I knew I was taking on when I saw the word pregnant on the test we still have.

Because of the last few days being how they've been, I've spent the majority of my time on the couch with both Hero and Mila. I've lost track of what we've watched on TV but I've not felt up to anything other than lounging about. I'm not in pain, per se, just unbelievably uncomfortable. Our little lady has definitely run out of room in my belly now. There's only so much my body can change to accommodate her and I know we've already exceeded that limit.

But, despite all this, the tiredness, my achy body and my Braxton Hicks, I've been trying to put them all to the back of my mind. I've been focusing on Mila and Hero. His foot is still in a cast but on the mend and it's not long until Mila goes back to school and starts in Year 1. So I've been focusing my mind on them, distracting myself as best I can. All while preparing for my labour.

A buzzing noise distracts me from my Weetabix as it does Mila and Hero. Beside him, on the other side of the island, his phone vibrates against the counter and his screen is lit up. Scrolling across the screen is the word 'Mum'. Reaching for his phone, he accepts the call and lifts the phone to his ear.

"Morning, mum," he smiles slightly, beginning to listen to what Martha has called him for at such an early time. I hope everything's okay. Isn't it strange that when someone calls you out of the blue at silly o'clock you always think the worst? Or at least, I do, anyway.

Me and Mila take ourselves back to our breakfast, taking a scoop and then a bite, watching him listen.

"One sec, let me ask her," he lifts the phone away from his ear and covers the microphone before looking at Mila.

"Nana's asking if you want to go into the city with her and Grandpa George for the day?" Her little face lights up and she begins to nod yes profusely. The motion of her escaped tendrils bobs with her head. I'll have to re-braid or do something with her hair before she goes. Now it's getting longer, her braids are too but it suits her and I can do more with it now thanks to the longer length.

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