Sooner Than Originally Planned

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I've only had two days away from Hero and still, my place doesn't feel like home anymore. I've been here for the last two nights, packing away the last few things that need to go into boxes. I've felt such a mixture of emotions and I can only put that down to being pregnant and everything seeming heightened at the minute. It feels so strange being here, like I'm at someone else's house or staying in a hotel. It doesn't feel like mine anymore.

But if anything, I'm glad that Hero brought forward me moving in with him. It felt like an open move, kind of as and when, initially. But now there's a definitive date. And while there is a small bit of sadness running through me, primarily, all I've felt leading up to tomorrow is excitement. I'll be living with him and Mila. Our baby won't be split between two homes and I won't be alone looking after them. We'll all be under one roof, just as we should be.

Hero being called up to the England squad is really no surprise. I'm beyond happy for him. He missed out last year - which came as a big surprise for me and other fans. He carried West Ham last season but obviously, you can't carry a team of eleven on your own. That's too big a job, even for a footballer of his calibre. This year though, the whole team's form is on another level. I know Trent's been called up but Jack's just missed out. Hero said he didn't think he'd had enough first-team experience which I understand. He reckons he'll get there next season.

I had the England call-up letter to thank really for my moving date to be finalised and definitive. He sounded so urgent and panicked when everything tumbled out. Getting called up to your country's team should be celebrated, I didn't want him worrying and I told him this repeatedly. Not only over me but him leaving Mila with me. We'll be fine, we have each other and it's only for a week. For the new squad to link up and meet one another and get a feel for the play. There are a few untelevised friendlies too so he'll have to let me know how they do.

I've not given it a thought to what would happen if England played Australia... That would be very interesting.

Switching the light off in the living area, I head towards the corridor but allow myself one last look behind me. As I got the place furnished, I don't have many boxes of things. It's just the last few bits of my clothes, photos and knick-knacks I've collected over the years. The place feels so bare, even less like my home now. But this place will always be special to me, it's the first place I got before my family left for Australia and I stayed here. And as I walk into the bedroom, I realise just how special memories of this room will always be. This is where Hero and I first made love after our sightseeing day in the city. It's also where we made the baby now growing in my belly.

But I'm leaving all this behind and taking some incredible memories with me so I can move on and be with the two people who mean the most to me. Hero and Mila.

Even getting into bed feels strange but a wave of excitement floods through me as I pull the duvet over my legs and up over my body, covering my bump. Vibrations sound from beside me and as I turn my head, I see Hero's name on the illuminated screen. Reaching over, smiling I slide across the screen and place my phone on the top of my bump pressing the speaker button, ready to hear him.

"Hi, roomie," giggling, I keep hold of my phone to stop it from falling off my rounded belly. Since I called Hero this when we brought forward my moving-in date, it's just stuck.

"Hi, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Are you all packed and ready?" I tell him I am and that I've just got into bed. Because the place was furnished when I got it, I don't have an awful lot. But what I do, is packed and ready to go. I've just left out the essentials for tomorrow morning before my landlord arrives to collect the key.

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