Girls' Day

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Somehow, I got home before Mila and Hero. They'll either be leaving Rush Green now or be on their way. He didn't say what time they'd be home this morning but I've beaten them home which definitely makes a change. It's just after quarter to five so I know they'll be home soon.

Wandering down the stairs, I head through the archway and into the kitchen looking down at my rounded belly.

"Let's make us all a cup of tea. Daddy and your big sister will be home soon," I take hold of the kettle and lift the lid. Placing it under the tap, I begin to run the water, filling the kettle up. Once there's enough water in there, I turn the tap off and place the kettle back down, flicking the switch to boil. Knowing that's sorted, I open the cupboard and lift out two mugs and a smaller one for Mila. She enjoys a cup of tea just as much as me and Hero do after work, so I won't leave her out.

I've not heard from Hero at all today. So, I can only imagine what type of day he's had with her there. He made her bring sports gear with her this morning when they were getting ready to leave so I assume he wanted to get her involved in playing football for the day. Something inside me tells me that that's gone down like a lead balloon. I don't know why but she doesn't strike me as the type of girl who'd want to be throwing herself around on a football pitch. She's adventurous but in a non-sport-orientated way.

Just as the water boils and the switch flicks up, breaking me from my monologuing thoughts, I hear the front door open in the hall. The tea will have to wait, my curiosity has gotten the better of me. Carrying myself around the island and through the archway, I head out into the hall and instantly, my thoughts from moments ago are confirmed. They look... Horrendous. Both of them are covered from head to toe in mud, Mila's hair is a mess, as is Hero's.

"Afternoon, you two look..."

"Don't even go there, Jo," thankfully Hero's tone is laced with laughter. Mila's face is the epitome of bored and complete annoyance. She's not had a good day. At all. That much is clear. Both of them are exhausted, dark circles curve under their eyes and their lids are heavier than usual. Parenting and training clearly doesn't go hand in hand. Perhaps I should have taken her to the school with me? But either way, it's too late to be thinking that.

Hero closes the door behind himself and takes Mila's bag from her. She's not moved a muscle since she stepped inside. She's just as messy as Hero is. They've not showered or changed, he must've just wanted to leave for whatever reason. But they most certainly need it. Teacher training is such a ball ache, and that's coming from a teacher.

"So, how was training?" I lean my weight against the archway and keep my tone nice and even. It's taking a lot for me to not burst out laughing at how messy they are. To use Hero's term, they both look like they've been dragged through a hedge backwards. The weather has been against them but surely they've not been outside all day?

"It was -"

"It was awful," Mila's voice is flat and completely to the point. She glares at Hero as he walks past, but a smile just crosses his face and I know he's seeing the funny side of all this unlike her. It's hard to stand in the middle of this one.

"Tell mummy what we did, princess," Mila rolls her eyes and brings her attention back to me. This is getting harder and harder to take her seriously.

"We trained in the rain. All day. And Trent has a girlfriend, mummy. He kissed her," oh...

"Oh, sweet pea, come here," I don't care that she's muddy and a complete mess. I crouch down to her height and open my arms for her to walk into. As she does, I catch a whiff of all the mud and grass staining her clothes.

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