Not Part Of The Plan

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As Mercy requested yesterday, we've all dressed ourselves up, done our hair and are on the way to the random postcode she gave me in the kitchen. We've even gone as far as to coordinate our outfits, I've no idea why, it was Jo's idea. She helped Mila get ready and even blow-dried her hair for her. For a change, it's lovely and straight. Her ice blonde locks tumble down her back, surpassing her shoulders now, hanging to her mid-chest. She's not had a haircut in a good while but she's not asked for one. She has Jo for that now so I know she's in good hands.

Since inputting the postcode into Maps in my car, I've known that we're driving to the middle of fucking nowhere. The pin dropped on the location and I saw nothing was around, just what looked like a country lane. On the way here I've not even bothered to look at the signs I've driven past or even try to gauge where we are. We drove away from Chigwell and thus, away from London.

Eventually, as I make one last turn, I discover I was right and that we're one, in the middle of nowhere and two, on a long, stretching, winding country lane. As I slow down to 20mph, I see Mercy's BMW parked diagonally in a layby. Next to it is a black Audi A3. I don't recognise this car or the registration number. What's she up to?

Pulling in beside Mercy, I switch the car engine off and look around at Mila who looks equally as confused as I'm feeling. And I'm sure Jo's feeling the same too. I've no idea why we're here. Why would my sister - of all people - get me to meet her and a mystery person in the middle of nowhere on a Sunday afternoon all dressed up? It doesn't make any sense at all. I've wracked my brains since she told us to meet her here and every time, I've drawn a blank. Just as I am now.

We undo our seatbelts and open the car doors, alighting at the same time. Jo takes Mila out of her car seat and closes the door behind her while I wander around to their side. Taking hold of Mila's hand we approach Mercy's car seeing her get out along with someone else who was sitting in there with her. They can only be the person of the BMW, I'd assume but who knows at this rate. Beyond confused is an understatement.

"There you three are. Guys, I'd like to introduce you to Thomas. Thomas is a professional photographer and has photographed all my bars and ventures," my head turns towards Jo, her face equally as questioning as mine as we turn our blanked attention back to Mercy. She rolls her eyes and points to what Thomas is holding. A camera.

"You're house is way too plain so you're having a family photoshoot done, seeing as you're all lovely and tanned and dolled up. I'll leave them with you, Tom. Meet you guys at the pub, I'll send my location," before either me or Jo have the opportunity to ask the plethora of questions undoubtedly running through both our heads, Mercy gets back into her car and begins to reverse before driving off in the direction we came from.

Confidently, Thomas strides over and holds his hand out for me to shake. I do, introducing myself as do Jo and lastly Mila. He seems like a nice enough guy and doesn't waste any time getting straight to the point.

"So, as Mercy said, this is a family photo shoot. We have full reign of the wildflower meadow in front of us so you guys just do your thing. Walk, chat, laugh and I'll do the rest. I'm all about natural photography when it comes to families unless there are any specific photos you want?" We all look at one another and begin to shake our heads no. Considering this was a surprise and so impromptu, we didn't have any time to even think about staged photos. I can see why Mercy likes him. Just as she is, he's straight to the point and means business.

"Okay, sounds good," Jo smiles softly at him and I can tell she's happy and just going to make the most of this surprise. So, I'm going to do that too and I allow her to lead me into the wildflower fields while Thomas unquestionably begins behind us.

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