Clever Clogs

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"Come on, little miss. We'll watch the next episode tomorrow," reaching for the remote, I exit out of the Disney+ app and leave the TV back on the channel it was on before we started to watch Phineas and Ferb. It's something she found and has taken a liking to it so every night, after her bath, we curl up on the couch together and watch an episode or two. Climbing into my lap, I scoop her into my arms and begin to pace toward the stairs.

Ascending with her in my arms, a yawn falls from her as we get to the landing. She's tired but I know she's fighting it because she's nervous about tomorrow. Tomorrow is parents' evening and unlike what you see on TV, over here in the UK, the kids stay at home. Just the parents go to meet their child's teacher. I have no idea why she's nervous. She's assured me she's not hiding anything, like me, she's an overthinker and it's definitely coming into play.

I wander down the corridor and head into her bedroom, flicking on the nightlight on her bedside table as I set her down on the bed. Lifting the duvet, she slides herself beneath it but remains sitting up in front of me as I perch on the edge of the bed.

"Do you have to go tomorrow, daddy?" She sounds more worried than she's been letting on, her words wrapped around a sigh.

"I do, princess. I have to see how you're doing in school. Why are you so worried? Is there something you need to tell me? You know you can tell me anything, Mila," I've always ensured open communication with Mila. It's one of the reasons we're so close to each other. What I have with her is so unbelievably special and even with my second baby on the way with Jo, that bond won't change in any way.

"I know. And no... I just... I'm nervous," her voice is barely a whisper. She's never been like this before, she looks scared. Again though, I've no idea why she's feeling this way. Admittedly, I'm having to put a brave face on for her about this. I have done since she brought the letter and booking sheet home. I've no idea what to expect. It's a first for me. I know Mila's clever, cleverer than most but honestly, I'm absolutely clueless. But I know someone that isn't...

"I don't think you have any reason to be nervous, darling. Unless you've been beating people up, then we'll be having words," instantly she begins to giggle, her shoulders moving up and down with her laughter as she tells me she's not. I know deep down, that she's got nothing to worry about. I'd know if she had, I just know it.

Lifting myself onto her bed, I take hold of the latest book we're reading together called Miss Nelson Is Missing and cross my ankles, settling myself against the headboard with her resting on my chest. We're already ten pages in. We take it in turns to read pages, alternating between the two of us. It's brought her reading on massively, I've seen such an improvement and I've been aiming for ten pages a night, so five each.

Just as I reach the ninth page, I can see her eyes dropping occasionally. Her breathing is deeper and heavier, she's ready to fall asleep so I take over on her page and read to the end of mine on the tenth page before closing the book over. I place it down on the bedside table, folding in the corner on the page we're on so we can resume tomorrow. Maybe we'll let Jo join in too.

"Come here, darling," gently, I lift her off my chest, using my hand to cradle her head as I help her lie down on the pillow.

"Night night, daddy. Love you," I stroke her hair away from her face and place a kiss on her temple knowing she'll be well away in a matter of minutes.

"And I love you too, Mila. Sweet dreams, princess," switching her bedside light off, I stand and pace towards the door. Checking on her once more over my shoulder, I see her eyes are closed and she's on the edge of oblivion so I take that as my cue to let her rest and focus on my next task of the night. FaceTiming Jo.

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