Strap Marks

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There's just something different about flying privately as opposed to flying domestically. Granted, I've never flown private before but from memory of my last flight I certainly didn't miss the busy, cramped cabin, the meaningless conversations happening around me or the screaming and crying of babies. It was before Sara passed when I last went on holiday. Obviously, I've recently been on a flight to Europe for the England squad but not a holiday as I am now. I'll definitely be doing this method of travel again. It's worth every penny.

During the flight, after take-off and the fasten seatbelts sign was switched off, we took to the little entertainment amenities we brought with us or bought at the airport. Jo helped Mila set up her new AirPods, syncing them to her iPad which seemingly didn't take very long. She had them in her ears within minutes. I'll one-hundred per cent admit I'm a complete softie when it comes to Mila. I know I always will be. But never once has she been ungrateful for anything. She's always said please and thank you as I've taught her to. The last thing I want as she grows up and becomes more aware of my wages and our lifestyle is to become a brat. Not that I think she would, she has me and Jo to keep her grounded.

For a while, Mila listened to music from her iPad while gazing out of the window with Jo. They were pointing out different-shaped clouds, saying what they looked like. Seeing the two of them together never fails to make me smile. My heart swells knowing my two daughters have someone who loves them just as much as I do.

While Jo lost herself in the first chapter of the fiction book she bought, Mila then turned her attention to the book I bought her at the airport. I love how inquisitive she is, she's always looking to learn new things and seemed particularly fascinated that where we're going is said to be a remnant of the lost island of Atlantis. Her curiosity was piqued so much after reading about it, that she turned her attention back to her iPad but instead to Disney+ to watch Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Both she and Jo watched it together, making full use of the plane's Wi-Fi.

I've kept myself to myself for the flight, it's enough entertainment watching my two girls. During take-off, Jo said she could feel the baby and instantly my hand reached over the table to feel as Mila turned to the side. I've still not felt her move, I'm hoping by the end of the holiday, I will have. I'd felt Mila move by now when Sara was pregnant but every pregnancy is different and I'll feel mine and Jo's baby when she's ready.

Upon our approach to the island, off of us looked out of the windows, admiring how beautiful the sea was and how pretty the island looked from above. Even from so high up, the turquoise sea looked so inviting. The sun is high in the sky and I'm more than ready for some Mediterranean sun and to do absolutely nothing for the next two weeks, other than spend time with my girls.

After departing the plane, the warm air hits us instantly just making the call to either run into the sea or a pool even louder. Descending out of the plane, we're guided to the terminal building where we're in a small room with just three desks. I'm assuming this is the private passport control area and my thoughts are confirmed when we're called forward and have to present all three of our passports. He lifts them one by one, checking the likeness of us before stamping a random page in each before handing them back and telling us we're free to go.

Walking out, I see a car waiting for us directly ahead of the exit so both me and Jo guide Mila hand in hand to the vehicle. Our driver opens the door for us and allows us to slide in one by one before closing it behind us. Our cases will already be in here, this is part and parcel of the private flight service. You also get a private transfer which really beats lingering around in a stuffy terminal with hundreds of other people while you wait for your case to appear. I swear, it always seems like it's my case that appears last.

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