Little Monster

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I must be mental. Fucking mental. I'm ridiculously tired but I know my tiredness and constant yawning will all be worth it. I'm going home earlier than I expected, to my girls. They'll be in bed now. It's 4:55am, it's still dark and the house stands in front of me. An eerie quiet enveloping the street.

When the England manager said there'd be an earlier, overnight service to get home, should we want to take advantage of it, I jumped at the opportunity along with just two other players. Even if it did mean setting off at just after 2am for me. I've slept on and off in the back of the car but there's only so much sleep you can get sitting up.

Everyone else is still in Staffordshire, Trent included. I offered for him to come with me and bunk in one of the guest rooms but he declined. In the back of my mind, I did wonder how Mila would react to him being there if he did come back with me when she woke up. She's still rather taken with him, even though now things are looking good for him and the new physiotherapist, Holly.

After watching the driver leave the street, I open the gate, waiting for it to slide out of my way before pushing through and hitting the close button on my way to the door. I'm beyond tired but I'm eager to get into the comforts of my home. Fishing out my key from my pocket, I slide it into the front door and gently push it open. Not wanting to wake Jo or Mila. Slowly, staying as silent as possible, I creep my way around the door and close it behind me before placing my small suitcase beside the door. I lock the door behind me again before heading for the stairs. Taking my time, I climb them one by one realising how tired both my mind and body feel. I feel like I'm carrying 50kg weights on my ankles and wrists that pull me further down with every step I take.

Reaching the landing, the first room I head to now I'm here, is Mila's. Carefully, so it doesn't creek and disturb her, I peer my head around to look inside. But she's not there. Her duvet is pulled down and scrunched up and her pillows are at the usual angle they are when she sleeps. She's not here? Pulling her door over, I slowly pace down the corridor and head into mine and Jo's room. It's silent, the only noise piercing the air is even, deep breathing. But I notice that there's not one person in the bed. Two bumps in the duvet tell me that my girls are both in here, sleeping soundly.

Rather than join them straight away, I allow myself to just watch them. Jo's lay on her side, Mila in front of her with her back to her bump. Their soft, deep breaths match one another's and I just about see Jo's hand resting on Mila's belly, holding her in place. They look comfortable and completely out like a light. The duvet wraps around them both, cocooning them in its warmth. It's no surprise they're sleeping so soundly, Jo's told me that they've been busy together all week after her work and Mila's school. They've been swimming in the pool, have played various games, watched TV and somehow Mila even managed to talk Jo into going into the treehouse with her but that was rained off. I couldn't have asked for anyone better than Jo to look after our girl. Really, I couldn't.

The comfort of the bed is calling me and slowly, I wander into the bedroom, heading to my side of the bed. Mila faces my empty side and after I remove my hoodie and joggers I carefully pull the duvet back and slide in beside them. Automatically, my body rolls over to the middle to face them and I pull the pillow down, placing it underneath my head and curling my arm around it, holding it in place.

The softness of my bed is such a welcome comfort. My aches and pains are somewhat at bay now. We worked hard at England training. I thought the West Ham coaches could be cruel, but by God, I was well and truly mistaken. The warmth from my girls radiates into me, they don't even know I'm here yet. But just being here besides them, in my and Jo's bed tells me that I'm home. Back where I belong. Wanting contact, my other arm lazily drapes over both Mila and Jo and I allow my eyes to drift closed.

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