Like I Never Left

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Having the day to myself initially sounded great. I knew I'd have Hero's big house to entertain myself. I could swim, I could lounge about, cook myself a nice lunch. But no, all I've done today is sleep and clock watch for the last God knows how many hours. How Hero does this on his days off when Mila's at school is baffling to me. It's made me realise one, how busy looking after Mila really makes us and two, how much I love my teaching job. I couldn't be one of those people who sit around all day, I just couldn't.

Hero arrived home around 1:15pm. It was slightly earlier than I expected him but I didn't complain. We curled up on the couch together after he'd showered and we just chilled in comfortable, silence watching TV. I drifted off a few times with his head resting against my stomach. He's been incredible with me since I told him I'm pregnant. Nothing's been too much trouble for him.

We had about an hour together before he woke me and told me we'd have to get going. If my school's pick-up is anything to go off then it'll be busy around Mila's school too. Her school's car park is much smaller than mine, I've no idea how Hero manages to find a space. I counted myself lucky this morning that I got one as soon as we turned into the gates.

Pushing up off the couch, I stand slowly, having realised if I stand too quickly I'll get headrush and have to sit back down. I can only imagine it's because of the plethora of hormones running riot inside me at the minute but I'll take it. I know the baby's okay that way. Hero reaches his hand out to me, silently asking me if I'm okay.

"You can stay here if you want to, love?" I shake my head no, determined to go with him. I told Mila this morning we'd both be there to pick her up so we will be. I can't let the way I'm feeling hinder me from life in general. I have months and months to go and I've just got to get on with it. Even if I do feel shit.

"No, I'll come with," he nods, sighing, not even trying to argue. He leads me out of the living area and through the archway into the hallway. Grabbing my shoes, I pull them one by one by one as he slides his Nikes into place. We wrap our coats around us and once we're ready, he takes my hand and guides me to his car, telling me he'll drive.

On our way, out of the corner of my eye, I catch him stealing glimpses of me. This feels so... normal. Even though it's not part of our normal, it does. Just as dropping Mila off at school in the morning was a normal feeling too. Like that's how the mornings should start or something. With both of them and going about our daily lives. I can't help but wonder if he's thinking the same things as me. It's plain to see how similar we are, in so many ways. I just don't feel like it should be me who changes anything. Despite the fact I'm pregnant, with his baby, I'll continue to be guided by him.

Arriving at the school, Hero comes around to my side of the car before I've even gotten out. He holds both his hands out to me as I carefully hop out of his car. Initial movements have to be slow and measured, once I get going, I'm fine. He closes the door over for me before beginning to lead me down the same path we took this morning to drop Mila off. She'll be finished with school in the next few minutes and coming to both me and Hero for the first time. I really do wish this was the norm for us all. That we'd be able to do this every day but this is just a one-off at the moment. But I'll take it. Happily.

Waiting for a few moments side by side, the bell eventually tolls just as it did this morning and simultaneously all the doors open. The hum and buzz around us intensifies, the noise of the school children filling the air and one by one, like at my school and how I do with my students, the teachers release them. Both mine and Hero's eyes are fixated on the door Mila ran to a few hours ago, patiently waiting for her.

Eventually, she reaches the front of the line and the cheeky smile I've come to love of hers spreads across her face while she scurries over to us.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Both of us crouch down and catch her in the middle of us as she launches herself. Our arms wrap around her, overlapping each other just for a moment before she pulls away.

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