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Rolling over in my bed, I hear the soft pitter-patter of feet against the carpet outside. The door flies open as it always does and the familiar blonde mess of hair floats towards me before she launches herself onto the bed. She's more excited than normal this morning, primarily because she'll be spending the evening with Jo at my parents' house while I play away at Manchester City tonight.

"Morning, daddy," Mila lays her head down beside me as she climbs in, under the duvet. Pulling her close, I place a kiss on the top of her head, sighing in contentment.

"Morning, princess. How did you sleep?" She says that she slept well as she snuggles into my chest further. I'm surprised she slept at all. Her excitement has been there all weekend since me and Jo worked out the fine details of her staying here tonight while I'm away.

Because of the time she finishes work and the time Mila finishes school, I've put Mila in after school club for just an hour today to give Jo time to pack up her things, drive to her school and collect her. I've already paid upfront - it's insane how much it is for just an hour. But in saying that, it's a similar charge to the holiday club Mila loves so much so maybe she'll enjoy this too.

I'm playing at the Etihad Stadium tonight in Manchester against Manchester City. The other Manchester team to United. The blue of the city opposed to the red. Currently, we're sitting pretty behind them in third on the league table while they're in pursuit of chasing the league leaders, Liverpool. There are only a few points between us all but we're hanging on and European matches in the Champions League next season are looking more and more like a possibility with every game that passes and that we win.

The league as a whole is looking to be a repeat of last season. For Liverpool to win and Manchester City to fall short and end in second again. Although this is football, anything can happen. Even drastic things can happen. Manchester City, despite their seemingly unlimited budget spending in the transfer windows, are on a bit of a bad run. We have to capitalise on that to secure a further three points for our tally. I never look forward to playing at the Eithad, not many players or teams do but we have to. And we have a job to do. As I said, anything can happen.

"Come on, we need feeding," pushing up and out of bed, keeping Mila in my hold, I carry us both down the corridor, stopping as we always do at Sara's table before descending downstairs. Months ago I used to feel a sting that she's not here, sharing this with us. But in her own way, she is. She's still watching, making sure we're all okay. Even Jo and the baby we're expecting too. I'm convinced that's why she said she'd keep an eye on all of us in that too-real dream I had around Christmas.

As always on match day, I prepare us some protein oatmeal with a spoonful of peanut butter mixed in. Thankfully, this doesn't take long to prepare and we eat side by side in comfortable silence. Similarly to other match days, we don't have any time to waste. Especially with me taking Mila to school. Mercy offered but we're leaving slightly later so that time extension gave me a little bit of grace. All I have to do is get changed, put my shoes on and drop in my charger for my phone into my overnight bag. Everything else is already packed.

"Are you done, darling?" Scooping up the last part of the mixture, Mila nods yes. So I take hold of our bowls and spoons before placing them into the dishwasher.

As I close the door, setting it to wash, I expect Mila to take herself off upstairs but she remains on the stool, looking directly at me. Her eyes following my movements around the kitchen.


"Yes, sweetheart?" Mila sighs, looking unsure before dropping her eyes to the counter. I lean my weight onto my forearms, leaning down to wait for her. I know she wants to ask me something, perhaps something she shouldn't. But I know she wants to and I'm not going to stop her.

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