'Does this have to do with all the trips you had been taking by yourself?' Padfoot asked, he could actually communicate with the portraits, nobody knew how, but he could. James nodded in agreement. "Yes, I had been planning out how to propose and it was taking a bit," the Doctor admitted.

"I'll allow it," James said after staring at him for a bit soon followed by Padfoot's agreement, "We just want to hear your plan," and so the Doctor told them. Hearing the proposal alone, James and Padfoot didn't regret agreeing.

James might or might not have informed the other paintings what he was just asked and Padfoot wasn't going to bother with Susan, this Susan was definitely a talker, he will give her that. The Doctor had made a quick trip out to leave a note for someone and then hurried back to Ivy, he wanted to propose before her pregnancy symptoms start showing up.

"We're going to see how you proposed?" Pansy asked excitedly. She had heard all about it and the Masters got clues from the Doctors and Ivy since Pansy was also a horror fan.

When the next day rolled around (or at least eight hours), The Doctor shook Ivy awake, "I'm taking you out, wear something casual, I promise nothing bad will happen, I checked," he said. He nervously walked out, "Today's the day?" James asked with Lily at his side. The Doctor nodded, "Well suck it up and be confident, Luna's been walking around with a big smile on her face. It's alright to be nervous, I was too, but don't stutter out the whole thing—" the portrait got silenced by Idris as Ivy had walked out.

"I got silenced by Idris?" James asked offended.

"I didn't want to ruin my thief's surprise as my dear Death was coming in," Idris answered.

"You stuttered out the whole thing," Lily comments.


"You alright?" she asked the Doctor. The Doctor took a deep breath and composed himself and nodded, he grabbed her hand and pulled her outside, "Close your eyes," he told her and closed the door behind her. The portraits and Padfoot with the help of Luna finally blabbed to the others about the new accessory that Ivy may or may not be wearing when they come back.

"Open," Ivy opened her eyes and saw steps, "Look up," and she did and her jaw dropped, "No!" she said in shock. "Let's go up," the Doctor said.

"Really???" Ivy almost squealed as the Doctor pushed her up the stairs as they passed the sign saying 'Bates Motel' and up to the Psycho House. They entered, "We're here," the Doctor announced.

"Hello," a new voice said.

"No!" Ivy said again shock as Anthony Perkins came out from another room.

"The Bates Motel is the motel used in the horror movie Psycho which involved a character named Norman Bates as the killer and Anthony played him," Ivy quickly explained, she wanted to watch her proposal.

Ivy got to meet Anthony Perkins and then got a tour of the house. The Doctor was nervously waiting even though he was a bit proud of himself that he didn't show it.

Anthony had led Ivy outside and had her facing the scenery and gave the Doctor a look, and he got out the ring and got down on one knee, Anthony turned Ivy around and she let out a gasp. She was so shocked her glamour randomly dropped.

"You showed magic in front of a muggle!" Ron screamed.

"He's a wizard you dipshit!" Ivy snapped back. Ron screamed in pain and opened his mouth, people seeing he had no teeth. Then he got silenced along with the other five.

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