After Rose had told her mother about the bazoolium, it hit a certain time and Jackie interrupted her daughter, "Listen, there is this thing that I have been questioning, the same hour every day, your granddad Prentice shows up, he's been dead and I don't think a ghost just appears like that," she said to Rose but directed the last bit towards Ivy. "It should be any second now," she informed them. A humanoid shape appears and Jackie points out, "That's him."

Everyone looked at Ivy and she shook her head as Padfoot got into a protective stance in front of her. Some of the group ran outside, "They're everywhere!" the Doctor said. He noticed that nobody seemed to be bothered by it, and got to feel what it felt like to go through one, not comfortable.

"They haven't got long. Midday shift only lasts a couple of minutes. They're about to fade," Jackie said.

"What do you mean, shift? Since when did fake ghosts have shifts? Since when did shifts have fake ghosts? What's going on?" the Doctor was rambling, clueless as to what was going on.

"Oh, he's not happy when I know more than him, is he?" Jackie asked an amused Ivy.

"No he doesn't," River comments, Eleven just gave her an annoyed look. "We know her in the future?" Ten asked Eleven.

"Yep," he replied, popping the p, while looking back at Teddy, who was avoiding looking at him.

"No, but he looks adorable," Ivy gushed.

Ten blushed.

"But no one's running or screaming or freaking out," The Doctor continued.

"Because I am assuming they are seeing dead loved ones," Jackie responded loudly before turning back to Ivy, "How long?"

"I can see the start of life forms, so I am very early," Ivy told her. Padfoot, finally realizing why he was feeling even more protective looked up at his goddaughter with shocked eyes, "wonder what my dad's reaction is going to be if my godfather's is anything to go by," she adds while Jackie tries to hide her laughter, she already figured she hadn't told the Doctor yet.

"She's pregnant!" James exclaimed, startling his family. "Please tell me I did something to him," he asked his daughter who nodded while Ten winced. Nine stared at the screen with wide shocked eyes and a big grin. He was going to have more children!

The Doctor was busy searching through the channels about the "ghosts" while Jack was trying to figure out why Susan was upset. "You'll get your break soon, you better visit me," Luna said, laying her head on Ivy's shoulder.

Susan finally came over, "Can I ask you something privately?" she asked. Ivy nodded and they walked back to the room where they could still here the Doctor yelling in disbelief at the TV. "You said Dad was a bit different and had a Watcher merge with him instead of having different ones show up, would it be possible that I would too?" she asked. Ivy gave her a look and simply nodded, "The Watcher merged because Four had taken a really big fall, and well, because he's him. So you might get it, are you seeing one?" she asked. Susan looked over Ivy's shoulder where a mummified blonde stood and nodded,

"Ew, is that what I looked like?!" Three looked disgusted seeing a mummified version of herself. Two laughed and nodded.

"I'm gonna die soon, aren't I?" the sad look Ivy gave her gave her the confirmation, "Do you want some good news before this happens?" Ivy asked.

"Okay, that I couldn't be mad about," Ten comments. He saw the soft smile on Two's face and knew he couldn't be angry about her knowing before she regenerated.

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