I'll be needing stitches.

Start from the beginning

"I yawned in her presence one day and she threatened to send me home and not pay me if I was too tired or bored to do my job"

"She's not always the nicest person"

"You don't say. She pays nicely though"

"That she does" I laughed as she finished up.

"Did you have lunch?"


"You should probably eat something it looks like you lost a good amount of blood. If you're not going home then you're going to need all the energy you can get"

"I'll be okay but thank you for worrying about me"

"No problem"

"Why didn't you go into something with nurses if you already took the classes?" I asked.

"I can't pay for college. I'm hoping that I can save enough with this job to convince them for a loan but I'm already in debt from the last two years of college and I don't know if I can continue"

"Is that your dream?"

She nodded "I've always wanted to help people and I like caring for others. My grandmother was a nurse and I loved her my mom wasn't really present all the time maybe coming once a month or if she needed money from my dad and I was left with my three siblings and they were still young, toddler young and I was always home with them playing the role of mom because she wouldn't do it, I was only twelve when she first left and she'd visit once a week but the time actually started to expand and I had to beg her to come down then tell my siblings lies that she was busy with work and not the truth that she didn't actually care about us but for their sake I kept my mouth shut but my grandmother was there every step of the way and I looked up to her she was my father's mother, my father was always working trying to support us so I didn't get much time with him. It's okay because I had my grandma, we'd sit at the kitchen table and be in our own worlds but I was happy because she was there and she'd tell me stories about her days as a nurse and she inspired me to do what she did and I can only hope I turn out half of what she was. We lost her last year and I wasn't there because of college and the end of the year test and I figured she'd pull through or at least have more time so I could finish my last test then go down and be with her in her last day but after I had gotten out of the testing session I had gotten the call and broke down right there. I missed her last day and it still breaks my heart that I didn't get to see her, to say goodbye. So I'm trying my best to do this because when I'm learning about all of this I feel closer to her like I'm getting a glimpse of what she did and I just wish she would be there to see me follow in her footsteps but I can't afford it and I feel like I'm letting her down"

By the end I had to wipe my eyes and she looked at me "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" she apologized.

"No, you didn't. I'm sorry, can I hug you?"

She nodded and I pulled her into me hugging her and she hugged back.

"Thank you for fixing my hand"

"No problem" she said and I let go and she helped clean up the stuff off the floor and I went into Madelyn's office for a second.

I shut the door behind me and walked up to her desk and she didn't even bother looking up "what Sam?"

"I need a huge favor and I know you've done so much for me already but this isn't for me"


"I will do anything if you agree to hear me out"

"Anything?" She asked.

"Anything" I confirmed.

She looked up at me and sat her pen down then leaned back crossing her arms "what?"

"Jennifer, I want you to pay for her college. She's in med school but can't finish due to money problems"

"You are aware that'd cost a little over 300 thousand right?"

"Now I am. Please, I'd do anything"

"So you've said"

"Madelyn I heard her story and It's heartbreaking and she's trying to follow in her grandmothers steps because she couldn't say goodbye and this is how she feels close to her again"

"Get out" Madelyn said.

"I need my fifteen minutes break then"

"For what?"

"I'm going down to the bank and pulling off everything I have and requesting a loan"

"No, now get out"

"Madelyn it's my money"

"I know. Now get out like I've requested"

I rolled my eyes and walked out of her office and went to my desk and started on the paperwork.

About half an hour later madelyn walked out and looked at Jennifer and didn't bother even glancing at me "Hudson come, we need to discuss some errors I've been noticing in your work"

"Am I getting fired?" She asked.

Madelyn didn't say anything and just walked back into her office and Jennifer looked terrified but got up and followed and Madelyn met my eyes then closed the  blinds so I couldn't see in and I heard the door lock.

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