furniture? stolen. clothes? stolen. heart? stolen.

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We were currently up in my apartment and John and conner had left and I was waiting because Ms.jackson told me she has something coming.

I walked into my living room to sit on my beanbag chair but it was gone "fucking John" I whispered.

"No furniture?" She asked.

"I had a beanbag chair when I left Monday but now I don't"

I walked into my bedroom and saw that my book self was untouched as our deal was, I checked my closet and my clothes were gone, all of them. "Fuck" even my blankets we're gone. At least they left the bookshelf alone.

I walked into my kitchen and grabbed the jar off of my top shelf and every last penny was gone, they only take a little bit at a time but they took it all, now I don't have lunch money until I get paid and I don't know when that'll be.

I walked back into my bedroom and saw ms.jackson looking through my books.

I went over to my bed and pulled a tool box out and opened it, thank God they didn't touch this. I pulled a couple flashlights out and set them around the room "what time is it?" I asked.

"9:15" she said.

I flipped the light on and she looked confused but then the electric went off and she looked even more concerned. I walked over to the window and closed the blinds "someone's about to scream and you're going to ignore it and not look out the window okay?"


"Just listen to me"


I heard the scream and I turned off the flash light and grabbed her hand and led her over to the bed and sat her down and a couple more screams came and she was tapping her foot so I put my hand on her leg telling her to stop. A knock came "59687235smirf" I said aloud and a small pattern came and we stayed quiet then I waited a minute and I turned the lights back on "it's fine my electric was going to be cut off in the morning anyways"

"You wanted me to leave you here?"

"You might have a keyed car and you'd be lucky if you still have tires when you go back to your car"

"I don't care"


"Start packing do you have a suitcase?"


"Where's your clothes?"


"I didn't see any food in the fridge"

"Probably stolen"

"So all you have is books?"

I nodded "at this point yeah"

"I have some boxes on there way and we're not taking anything else that can't fit in a box is that okay?"


We sat there until she got a call then I walked down with her and we got the boxes and came back up with her and started packing, I texted my mom and told her not to pay rent or water because I'm moving in with a friend.

I made sure to get all my books into the boxes then took the poster of Jesus Scarlett Johansson off the wall that sat over my bed and pack it up too then I was done. We only had a few boxes then we left and I felt bad when I saw that her car was keyed and the name John was carved into it "sorry about him"

"I can get it repaired" I checked the bolts on the tires and they were still tight and I reached under the car and checked the break lines real quick before she got my key and got a box out of my mailbox and put it into the trunk with the rest of my stuff and put a box in her back seat.

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