Chapter 63

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Frankie 2021

Life was so funny. The way things could be a complete dream with everything going blissful in your life, then WHOOSH, shit just bottoms out leaving you confused, afraid and hopeless. He didn't know if the words contained within the four letters he received from the righteous sinner had any validity to them or not, or if his entire relationship with Corey had been a facade; but, one thing for sure was that Frankie knew how fragile life was. He had complete comprehension how precious and un-promised each day had come to be, yet he chose to embrace all of it, the good with the bad, not knowing what each day held, but rejoicing in it anyway for his God saw fit to wake him up to continue his days. He figured if God was still waking him up, he obviously wasn't finished with him and he had more things to see, do and accomplish. An impact to make during his days upon this Earth. He accepted every thing that had happened in his life, the good AND the bad. He didn't even view the bad as bad anymore; but, accepted it as necessary. Just necessary events that God had orchestrated to accomplish a higher purpose as an example to others in this worldly realm. He figured the same held true for the righteous sinner and the best thing he could do for him was to pray for him. Frankie knew that prayer changes things, whether it ended up commuting the righteous sinner's death sentence to life without parole, or whether it be that by the same token the righteous sinner committed his crime that he should be  made to live with his wrongdoing for all of his natural days by dealing with the same brutality of rape he imposed upon Gloria, while serving out his sentence behind the gates of Louisiana's state penitentiary, otherwise known as the infamous Angola. In addition to knowing, there were also some things that Frankie understood. He was in total comprehension that knowing and understanding were two very different things. Based on experience, it had been revealed to him that just because he knew for a fact something had occurred, didn't always mean he understood the resonance behind it; but what Frankie did understand was that all things worked together for the good of those who love the Lord and who are called according to HIS purpose; so in all of his knowing about the wrongdoing and evils of the world, he understood it all worked together in ways inconceivable to the mortal man, to achieve a higher purpose. Therefore, he prayed for the righteous sinner and  even took it a step further to include Kevin, Dusty and Gloria in his prayers, too. Although, he didn't personally know any of them, he figured everyone is battling some kind of plight in life, be it physical, mental or spiritual demons, and that a prayer would never hurt in any instance. As much as he missed Corey, it would have been all too convenient to conjure up hate in his heart for Kevin, but he'd read in Romans 12:19, Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," says the Lord. And, with that, he left it all right there, in the almighty hands of God.

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