Chapter 24

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Everybody Plays The Fool
February 1978

Averie Callie was through being made a fool of. Now that she was in possession of Hoochie's beloved Cadillac, she realized she'd truly had enough of his antics. The fact that she'd found a pair of women's panties rolled up under the seat near the back floorboard was enough to ignite the devil within her. She was completely fed up with his trifling ways, and all the ugly little bitches he was screwing on the side was an insult to her beauty and class. How dare he! And, she would never ever forget about the secret she learned from Noochie that day in his law office. The sheer audacity of Hoochie trying to pass off that God awful ugly little wretched child Sharosta as her baby. What kind of a sick joke was that shit! She had known immediately she could never bear a child that fucking ugly. The very thought of something like that made her stomach exceptionally weak and she felt as if she could hurl infinitely. Sharosta was extra dark chocolate with skin so black it had a bluish tint to it. She possessed small squinty eyes and was just plain ugly to her. The child favored her in no way, with the exception of her long, thick, wavy coal black hair. She also bore none of her features, except maybe her nose. And, that was a HUGE maybe. Everyone was always commenting how cute Sharosta was, but she didn't think so. Hell no! She hated Sharosta with every fiber of her being and always would until the day she died. Hoochie was going to pay for screwing with her feelings. She was so infuriated she saw red like an inferno and her emotions had her feeling like she was in one. One way or another she would make him pay. She jerked the car to a grinding halt as she stopped a block away to park his Cadillac against the curb, shutting off the engine and quickly turning off the headlights. She stared at the little house in the distance ahead of her. She was far enough away to go undetected, yet still close enough to spot the shadowy silhouette in a room towards the back of the house. She could tell it was a woman by the shape. This made her even more pissed off than on her drive there. Who was this bitch? Was it Big Star's cousin? Her mind was adrift with questions, but it didn't matter. She had come to make Hoochie pay, and it was even better to have both Hoochie and his whore there at the same time, caught in the act. Hoochie was supposed to be in jail, but she knew he had probably weaseled his way out.

There were a number of things she knew that he didn't think she was aware of. Like Annettie. The tall, skinny, giraffe looking girl, well at least she was tall before Averie took to stabbing her behind her kneecap in the dark one night as the girl waited for her ride from a nightclub. Yeah, Averie knew about her and had taken care of her by shortening one of her legs by cutting into her ACL, making sure the girl would never misstep again by dancing with anyone that was already taken. Averie leaned down toward the floorboard feeling for something underneath the seat. Grabbing it, a slow malicious smile spread across her face causing her to break into a fit of low laughter. She ever so carefully wrapped her hand around it and squeezed, then relaxed her grip, then squeezed again, playfully massaging the object. She sat back upright holding a gleaming butchers knife. She drew her hand up high toward the headliner and then thrust it forcefully down into the cushioned seat of Hoochie's beloved Cadillac. She did it again. And again. And again. She couldn't believe he had his little whore girlfriend there in the back of the house at that very moment. She was probably just as ugly as she was fat, according to the silhouette; but it didn't matter. She'd vowed en route that Hoochie was going to pay and she intended to stick to that promise. Believe that!

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