Chapter 22

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Hell hath No Fury
February 1978

Brisha was hotter than fish grease and her mind was swirling with fury as she wondered how this could happen? To say she was angry, would be more than an understatement, and something of a mockery. How could Hoochie do this to Hollywood? He was supposed  to be his best friend. Some fucking friend! Didn't Hoochie know how much she loved Hollywood? She would do anything for him. She couldn't make it to Hoochie's place fast enough. She had a bone to pick with him and wasn't worried about any sort of backlash one iota. If he retaliated by sending somebody to "handle her," no matter who it was, Hollywood would put their dick in the dirt! Yeah, he would plumb bury the motherfucker. She knew Hollywood wasn't a blood-and-guts kind of person, but she forced herself to believe he would blaze some shit for her, just as she would for him. Her mind started to do donuts by orbiting in relentless circles. Was it really true that Hoochie was the reason Hollywood was behind bars? Was the whole bank robbery scheme his idea that Hollywood just agreed to go along with so Hoochie would have an alibi? It had to be true. It just had to be! Why would Maniac tell her that if it wasn't true? Maniac didn't even know Hoochie when the bank robbery happened, so how could he know such private details? She sloshed through the muddy details again in her mind desperately trying to make sense of it all. Why would Maniac tell her Hoochie told Averie that he, all by himself, was the one who robbed the bank and had a lot of money from it put up and hidden?
Brisha was still swirling with fury. It was so unfair. She couldn't stop the thoughts, and her footsteps began to plop down harder against the floorboards of the rickety little house she was so aggressively pacing around in. Her long arms were now trembling and her body started to involuntarily convulse as if she was having an attack from low glucose. Why should Hollywood have to spend a decade of his life behind bars when he didn't do anything wrong? Everybody knew Hoochie was the wild one, and Hollywood was always the good kid. It's pitiful that he should be paying the price for Hoochie's wrongdoing. It was at this point she decided Hoochie must pay, and he was going to pay dearly. She would personally see to it. If she could do anything to prove her love to Hollywood, this would be it. She was going to set Hoochie's ass ablaze with no remorse!

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