Chapter 7

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The Heist
Fri, Feb. 08, 1963

Police car sirens are loud. Astronomically loud! And on Fri. February 08, 1963, they could be heard wailing all the way across town from one side to the other. They were coming from all different directions headed toward the American Citizens Bank, and all of them arrived almost simultaneously, slamming on their brakes and screeching to an abrupt halt. The policemen jumped out of their patrol cars and pulled their service weapons from the holsters on their hips, yelling "FREEZE" all at vastly different times. Their commands were directed at someone wearing a brown turtleneck sweater with a dark brown leather jacket, matching brown corduroy pants, a patchwork newsboy hat and dark shades, that was casually walking down the sidewalk away from the bank. With all the chaos going on, that person continued walking, but after a couple more steps they took off in a mad dash around the corner of the bank building. They didn't stop running, but in a matter of minutes, the policemen were hot on their trail. The person running kept running down alleys, knocking over trashcans along the way and ending by jumping atop a chain link fence slicing their self mid forearm while trying to get away. By the time the policemen made it to the fence, they were out of breath and didn't attempt to jump over it.

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