Chapter 59

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The 3rd Letter

Dear Cinnamon Stick,

Now that you know from my 2nd letter to you that it was really Corey who suffered the molestation and not Robert, let me elaborate. As abused and neglected as Corey'd been living with his folks in the Red Stone Housing Projects, he never came to grips with the molestation. What do you think turned him gay? I don't suppose molestation turns all its survivors gay, but it did Corey. Eventually, that lady Ms. Hattie Lee ended up coming to the Section 8 housing, where I stayed. She took away Kevin, Dusty AND Gloria. It was bound to happen I guess. Gloria was only eleven when she walked into that hospital emergency room with a tummy ache. It was when she asked those hospital workers for an abortion that everything came tumbling down. As I sit here on death row, waiting and wondering, I try to put all the pieces together. To connect the dots in a way that makes sense.

So yeah, like I said, it was really Corey who suffered the molestation, not Robert. It happened to Kevin, which he displaced the abuse onto Corey. The reason it happened to Kevin is the reason why i'm sitting on death row as I write you this letter. It was because it happened to me. I did to Kevin what my father did to me, and because nobody gave me therapy, I am sitting on death row in a forgotten place, in a forgotten time, for an unforgotten crime. Nobody cared enough to save me. Because nobody helped me, and I couldn't help myself, cause I didn't know where to go for help or even who to ask for help, it carried over to Kevin, Dusty and Gloria. So by the time Ms. Hattie ended up at our place, it was too late. The damage was already done, or at least that's what they tell me. Those lawyers said I was a bad person who had to be locked up, but I don't recall any of the events they speak of, but they hauled me away to jail, sent Gloria away to a rehabilitation center for abused youth and put Dusty and Kevin in foster care sending Kevin with Ms. Hattie Lee. Having been so psychologically damaged, Kevin continued to transfer his anguish onto Corey while in foster care with Muh, which fucked Corey up so psychologically bad, he turned gay and committed himself to a life of crime extorting money from rich people to fabricate the life he never had at the Red Stone Housing Projects. Its unfortunate he lied about Robert making it appear as if he was the one being abused. So even though your hunny bun Corey isn't here anymore, just know that all that stuff that happened to him was probably the reason he lied on Robert; so don't feel bad about killing your half brother. I know Corey isn't here to explain it to you, so I figured I should be the one  to tell you since I knew his family when they stayed in the projects.

Signed: The Righteous Sinner

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