Chapter 19

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Give the Whore More
1978 - Albuquerque, NM

"MORE, MORE, MORE," the fat greasy wench hollered. "GIVE HER MORE!"

What the fuck did she mean give her more, Vaniti wondered? More penis down her throat or more of it up her anus? As if it weren't grueling enough that she had to endure this two for one? The two of these horny jackasses simultaneously busting their rocks off in the one vagina that belonged to her. They had already done that, but somehow found the energy to still be going at it utilizing her other open orifices. She hated that Madam Lottie always had to watch. She was so fucking meticulous about her business. She had to make sure every customer was sucked dry and in more ways than one, meaning both his penis AND his pocketbook. Madam Lottie, with her bad curly perm and short robust self, never believed in leaving any money uncollected; so, with a skinny Mexican forcefully thrusting his short, wide hairy penis in and out of her anus all the while a stout Kenyan dude making sure to have both of his Mt. Kilimanjaro sized balls in her mouth in addition to his huge round cock, she wished Madam Lottie would've been clear on who she was talking to; but, because she wasn't, both guys just assumed she was talking to him and went at it more. "FUCK!" Madam hollered. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. FUCK HER GOOD!" Oh how she wished Madam would go away. She had already been getting fucked by these dudes for more than a couple of hours. In her heart, she was secretly mad at their wives for whatever they WEREN'T giving these dudes at home; but, on the other hand, she was also a little grateful their wives were dumb broads leaving their husbands to be sucked and fucked elsewhere, cause it meant more money for her.

"Babba babba uhmmmm babba uhmmmmmm babba uhmmmmmm," the Kenyan dude was starting to let out some weird chant which made Vaniti think he was about to ejaculate; but the Mexican dude was not letting up. He was like a rabbit. The fucking energizer bunny. Shee-it! Her rectum was raw, but she didn't feel it cause anal sex was something that had become a regular part of her routine. She was still new to the whoring business, but it didn't bother her anymore. Nothing did. Except that Madam Lottie always had to watch to make sure to squeeze out all the extra change she could get. BOOM! And there came the explosion of warm and sweet sticky liquid that oozed down her throat. She couldn't stop it. His penis was so far in her mouth it all had nowhere to go, but right down her throat. It didn't bother her one bit, cause she liked the taste and didn't understand why the other hookers always described the taste of the semen as bitter. She found it to be initially salty with a sweet aftertaste. As Mr. Kenyan started to pull his penis out of her mouth, she quickly reached up and grabbed it to make sure he pulled out really slow. She would softly suck and wiggle her tongue as it slowly came out. It was a trick Madam Lottie had taught her and the other girls upon arrival. She taught them to always do that cause it made the feeling linger for the johns and would get the girls bigger tips, and she was right. In all her three years of sucking the johns off, it never failed. They always left with a fat smile, but left an even fatter tip on her nightstand. What a way of life this whoring business was for Vaniti. She loved it just as much as she hated it. She loved all the money she made, as Madam Lottie was quite generous allowing the girls to keep forty percent of everything they made plus one hundred percent of all their own tips. She hated it because she wanted something different for her life. To be respected, because she had an opinion, but more than that, she had a brain. A very intellectual one at that. She aspired to becoming  something bigger in life and felt she could attain it if she just put her mind to it. She just needed a little capital to get started on her way and she would be able to manage everything from there. She had always loved horses. They were wild, but free. The way they galloped through the pastures with their big long shiny manes blowing in the wind, without a care in the world made her long to be free like that. She craved the thought of having total control over her own life, and, one day she very well would. It was her own secret desire that she felt deep in her heart, and was sure she would accomplish in due time. In the meanwhile, she would just have to play the part of the ultimate cowgirl riding her way to the top, by fantasizing in her mind that every time she sat atop a john, she was in the saddle. She really played the part by rolling her hips in a gliding fluid motion with the John underneath her. She always made sure to keep their bodies touching throughout the whole process, and steered clear of all that sloppy and heavy bouncing. She knew her expertise at riding is what carried her through and kept the money rolling in for her. Regardless of what the johns requested, they always came back to her and wanted to be ridden. Vaniti recognized this and used it to her advantage. Every fucking time!

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