Chapter 42

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Happy Birthday

Frankie held the towel that was draped around him as if it were his super woman cape. He playfully danced by wiggling his hips as he shifted the towel from side to side in sync with his hip movement. His long blonde wig had been ironed to a straight and silky perfection. It hung down his back to his knees. As tall as he was at 6'5", he didn't hesitate to be fabulous at all times. He had on thigh high faux snakeskin stiletto boots with a glittering Rose gold mini skirt accompanied by a white fuzzy stole for his top. He was enjoying himself so much. It was his thirty second birthday. He was so happy.

When Shar had called the number back from her parents house, she had gasped in disbelief at how the voice on the other end was recognizable. That's because it was Frankies! He had called her from his boyfriends phone, cause he left his phone in her car earlier when she had dropped him off. He had called to tell her about a new club in Paris called Paris Nights and he thought they should check it out. Shar wondered what type of club it was. A juke joint? Daytime dance club? Night club? She guessed it didn't really matter being she would be with Frankie. She knew it would be a good time regardless, so they drove the three hours to Paris and found it, and by the time they pulled into the parking lot, it was jam packed, even though it was only six o'clock in the evening and still super bright outside. They headed for the entrance with Shar leading the way and Frankie following closely behind. The bouncer at the door looked Frankie up and down with a huge smirk on his face, while Frankie just glared back at him, giving the dude one hell of a death stare! Once inside, they hung out at the bar sipping cocktails while scoping the scene. There wasn't much going on and it didn't look like anything was going to change anytime soon, so they finished their drinks and bailed out of there. And now, back in Velma today, they were experiencing a real party. Frankie's birthday bash. Thirty two. Shit, they were getting old.

Shar was busy refilling all the punch bowls, as all of Frankie's friends seemed to be really thirsty, and she worked non stop keeping the food table full and the adult beverages replenished. Shar thought everything would start off slow and gradually pick up pace; however, the guests had already went through a dozen bottles of Sunny Brook Whiskey. It was 2007 and she couldn't believe they were still drinking that stuff. Everyone seemed to love it though. There were also bottles of Alizé, Hynotiq, Courvoisier and Hennessy Pure White. Additionally, a group of queens had taken over the full length floor mirror Frankie had set up against the wall behind a glittering curtain by the makeshift runway. As a kid he used to spend an exorbitant amount of time playing dress up; so, he had quite a passion for fashion, thus the theme for his private birthday party being Frankie's Fashion Fanfare. It was private because you had to know the password to gain entry inside the little shotgun house where the party was taking place. There was a knock on the door. One of the queens peeped through the peephole and hollered, "What's the password?"

"Bitch, I'm fabulous," the voice on the other side of the door hollered back.

The door opened and in walked a small group of queens. The shortest one was wearing a bright yellow ankle length kimono and squealed really loudly as he took off running in short choppy steps toward Frankie yelling, "Happy Birthday Frankie Love, Happy Birthdaaayyyy!"

As the lights dimmed, a plastic mirrored disco ball attached to fishing line was suspended from the ceiling and lowered halfway down as the music slowly faded in. All the queens gathered around Frankie as he stood underneath the glittering disco ball. In unison they all clapped their hands as the vocals of Fergie's voice became fully audible through the speakers and she crooned out the lyrics to her song, Glamorous. At the part of poppin' champagne, someone had released the top on a bottle of Moscato D'asti sparkling wine. The bottle had a screw top cap on it, but the liquid inside had spewed out in all directions, so it was evident whoever was holding it had vigorously shaken the bottle beforehand.

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