Chapter 40

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Myles Shelton

Cazee tried to move the car Arman had left behind for her, but it was blocked by a Cadillac belonging to Myles Shelton. She didn't know who he was, but she knew he would have to move his vehicle immediately, so she could get her mother back to Riverside Park. It didn't matter that Vanessa could walk perfectly fine, as the discharge policy of the hospital demanded her to be rolled to her waiting car, in a wheelchair. Along the way, she noticed an older gentleman walking through the lobby headed toward the elevators, and anxiously said, "Stop!"

"Whats wrong Ms. Vanessa?"

"Take me to that man."

When she reached the man who was now standing at the elevator she said, "Excuse me sir?"

The man looked at her and the biggest grin instantly spread across his face as he responded, "Honey Baby!"

He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "How are you, honey?"

Cazee, now back inside the hospital lobby, witnessed this and wondered how fans always manage to get to her mother. She always thought Vanessa was too accessible. She made a mental note to beef up security. She rushed over to where Vanessa was sitting in the wheelchair with the attendant by the elevator. She managed to pry herself in between Vanessa and the man. She smiled politely stating, "Im sorry sir, but my mother is ill and not available for autographs."

Vanessa burst out laughing. The man looked at Cazee and said, "It's quite alright. As many of her diapers I changed, I'll just settle for seeing her alive and well."

Cazee had the most bewildered look on her face.

With the most loving grin, Vanessa said, "Cazee, meet your great Uncle Hoochie."

"Hooch...wait, WHO," Cazee asked still astonished her mother actually knew the man.

"Cazee, this is my uncle from my hometown in Wyoming. A little small town called Helmsville. We kinda grew up together at my granddaddy's house on Wagonwood Street. He's my momma's little brother."

"Oh gosh, I never knew that. Well, I'm  pleased to make your acquaintance," Cazee said as she extended her hand out to shake Hoochie's. He in turn just smiled. There was an awkward silence, before it was broken by Brian joining them all standing by the elevator.

"Cazee, I have my car waiting in the emergency entrance. Are we all ready?"

"Brian, this is my Uncle Hoochie."

"Who," Brian asked?

Hoochie interrupted by extending his hand out, "Hey man, I'm Myles. Cazee's mom is my niece."

"Oh," Brian pleasantly responded shaking Hoochie's hand, "I never knew Cazee had an uncle."

"Well, not any blood uncles since I'm adopted," Cazee added.

Hoochie never missed a beat as he smiled and told Cazee, "Oh honey, there's no love loss whatsoever. You are my family regardless of circumstances." Then looking at Vanessa, he told her, "Im just in town on business, but I'm living in Bugscuffle now. Call me sometime, honey baby."

"Oh, Uncle Hoochie what are you doing out there in the country so far from civilization?"

"Well, Im sixty years old now. I had to slow down sometime," he snickered.

"Well, I sure will. I'll call you and may even come see you."

"Well, come on. Averie's there too."

"And, Sharosta?"

"She's around. She married a movie producer and moved out to California. They're out there making movies. She's living that big time Hollywood lifestyle and done got a lil too busy to visit. We don't really see her anymore, but she calls sometime."

Vanessa smiled sweetly. "I love you Uncle Hoochie."

"Oh, I love you too, Honey Baby and I'm so proud of you and how your life turned out. You're a real success. You keep on going. Don't ever stop." Looking at Cazee, he said, "You got a reeeal smart momma. You take care now."

Shelton Family Saga जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें