Chapter 37

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Phantom Phoning

The phone number displayed on the incoming call of Sharosta's phone wasn't a local number; however, Hoochie still recognized it. He reached his hand back toward his left hip and grabbed his own phone, unlocked it and proceeded to scroll through his call log. There it was. It sat neatly tucked between the other incoming calls. The same exact number. Why was the prank caller calling his one and only daughter? How did the prankster even get his or Sharosta's number to begin with? It was at this moment Sharosta was coming back to the front yard, from the back of her parents property. Averie had insisted they go out the back door so she could show Sharosta her new vegetable garden she had planted. It had just started to sprout some baby tomatoes on the vine, and Averie was exceptionally proud. As Sharosta was fake admiring the boring little garden her mother was so proud of, Averie decided to go back inside to get an extra pair of gloves so Sharosta, or Shar as everyone called her, could help transfer some of the tomato plants. When she did, Shar made a mad dash for the front yard, but by the time she got there, Hoochie had already went inside the house through the front door.

Shar stepped inside the front door to tell them she would be heading out, and that's when Averie blurted out, "Whose number is that calling you?"

"What number," Sharosta asked realizing she didn't have her phone on her and must have left it in her car.

"Hoochie said a 6-2-0 number called you; who is that?" Averie demanded in her no nonsense tone.

"Oh, I don't know anyone with that number."

Shar trudged back outside to her car to grab her phone. As she walked back to the house, she checked to see exactly what 6-2-0 number had called her. When she made it back inside, she nonchalantly shrugged and told her parents she had no clue who the number belonged to.

"Well, you don't want to know whose stalking you," her mother driveled.

Stalking? Why would she use such a word? Shar's mind began to wonder. "Well, this is the first time I've gotten a call from that number."

Shar couldn't believe at the age she was, her parents were still being overprotective; even so, she called the number back, and was stunned when there was an answer, cause the voice on the other end....

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