Chapter 52

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The Letter

Dear Frankie,

I know it's been thirteen years since your trial. I followed it every step of the way. I felt so bad for you having to find out about your half brother the way you did. I saw what the trial did to you. And, to that pastor, also. Poor guy lost all his believers and the whole congregation turned their backs on him. That's life, I guess. One minute you're on top of the world, riding the wave of joy a prosperous life has brought you, then WHAM. It's all taken from you, just like your husband Corey. Gone. Dead as a door nail. What a tragedy. And, I know you're missing the love of your life, cause I miss mine, too. I lost the love of my life many years ago. She was so pretty. And smart. And, innocent. But something happened. Something very bad. So bad in fact, it changed our life and everyone's life close to us. Because of it, I have never seen her again. But enough about me right now. The thought of my plight depresses me, but trust we'll talk again, soon. Until then.....

Signed: The Righteous Sinner

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