Chapter 25

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His Own Electric Company
February 1978

Enough was enough. Three years had passed, but Noochie had never forgotten the day she walked into his office and plopped herself down like she owned the place. Ever since that day, he had been nervous he would keep receiving unexpected visits, and there was no way fathomable he could build a successful legal career with people from his past holding shit over his head. His skin had become ultimately warm and clammy. His hands were as slippery as butter from the sweat that had collected there and his face was flushed with red patches. As Nicholas sat as his executive desk  in the leased office space that bore a big sign out front with his name, he continuously massaged the back of his neck with the palm of his soaking wet hand. He was no longer afraid of Big Star. Well, truthfully he was, but he had acquired a different set of friends now. Educated ones. Friends that knew the statutes of the law and who were therefore cognizant of the many loopholes of getting around them. He knew what ensued. He would need to talk to Hoochie. Although, he had been forewarned of Averie, it didn't make her visit anymore that pleasant, and he just could not live his life this way. Lord forbid whatever else she possibly knew about him. Did she know about the time him and Hoochie had avenged the disrespect of that guy trying to talk to Hollywood's girl? Did she know what they'd done? Goodness gracious, he sure as hell hoped not! He stopped massaging his neck to pick up the ink pen on his desk. As he shifted the pen back and forth between his fingers against the desktop, he silently said a prayer. I'm my own electric company with enough power to charge up some shit. I AM Nicholas Andros, Esquire. Amen! With that, he stood up from the chair behind the desk, grabbed his trench coat from the coat rack and headed out the door to drop in on his ol' pal Hoochie. There was no forewarning, cause he wanted it to be a surprise where they could catch up on ol' times. He was looking forward to them having a real blast!

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