Chapter 44

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No Handcuffs On Him

Shar felt that catching up with Frankie proved to be an exceptionally delightful decision. She got to hear all about his new boyfriend and how he was spending his days. The job he was working was at a local truck stop, in the deli department, cooking up the daily menu for the truckers passing through. That tickled Shar as she had never seen Frankie cook anything. The nights they would come from his drag shows and return to his place, dog tired from him working the runway and Shar watching the shows, he usually just grabbed cold bologna from the fridge and put it in between two slices of bread. He would usually eat about five of those while also munching from a big bag of Doritos and wash it all down with some Hugs juice. As skinny as he was, he could definitely eat though. Shar thought it was so unfair he got to scarf down food like he did on such a consistent basis, but never gained an ounce. He reminded her so much of his Aunt Brisha. She was his mom Aniya's sister.

"So how come you go in Thompson now,"  Shar casually asked him.

He explained how him and his boyfriend had gotten married, and he took his last name.

"Frankie you are not married to anybody," she laughed. "You're making this up."

"A bitch ain't got to lie, huntee" he giggled. "I AM married. And, my husband is stacked."

She raised her eyebrows and dramatically looked Frankie up and down in a playfully jealous manner, "Oh reeeally?"

"With paper bitch, with paper!"

They both burst out laughing.

"Well, how come I haven't met him?"

"Cause we're separated."

"Really Frankie?" Shar asked as she rolled her eyes not believing him. "What happened?"

"Well, lets just say I found out some stuff, okay huntee?"

"Like what?"

"Just some stuff, okay. Let it go Sharbie."

Shar wasn't going to let it go. She knew the info was much too juicy to just let it go, especially if he was trying to hide it, like he was.

"What's just some stuff? You know we tell each other everything. C'mon, Frankie spill it."

He proceeded to fill her in on how he found out his husband got the money he had and that he didn't personally think it was right. He told her how his husband loved money so much he'd been extorting it from rich people who had a less than stellar past. How Corey would spend his days digging up dirt on rich people, then threaten to go public with the information if they didn't succumb to his ransom demands. It was all too much for Frankie's philosophy of how life was supposed to go.

Shar told him she totally understood and agreed with him knowing the Bible specifically stated the love of money was the root of all evil. She attempted to continue on further discussing religion, but Frankie wasn't having it.

"Look Shar, a bitch already know how she feel, and Im telling you, it ain't no God. Them people done brainwashed you and every other fool in the world. They show y'all a picture of a white man hanging on a cross, talking 'bout fall down and worship him, and y'all do. I read that Bible for myself, huntee."

"Oh really Frankie? And, how did it speak to you?"

"Well, somewhere in that scary chapter in the back, it says his hair was like wool and his feet were brown. Shar, I ain't seen no white man with no nappy hair like wool. Say what you want, but that's a black man, huntee!"

Sharosta shook her head in disbelief.

"First of all Frankie, that's Revelations chapter 1, verses 14 and 15. It really reads, "His head and his hairs were white like wool....and his feet like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace. Nowhere does it say brown feet, Frankie."

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