Chapter 26

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His Name's Hoochie
February 1978

In Helmsville, the sirens could be heard from one end of town to the other. There were police cars and a firetruck. Last to arrive on the scene was Greasy Steve. He had been down at JoJo's Donuts stuffing his face with a jelly donut and sipping an Americano when the dispatch had came through. Although the little town of Helmsville didn't get much excitement, he still found it of little importance to rush through his donut. He would take his time to finish his sugary snack and let his deputies handle much of the paperwork before he rolled in to wrap up the details for the impending  investigation. When he did finally arrive, he was given a quick briefing that caught him up to speed on everything. He scoured the crime scene with his eyes hoping to spot the homeowner to do his own interview. He saw her standing off to the side in the distance. He recognized her immediately. She was the same tight faced, stern speaking woman that showed up for that young kid who was convicted years ago for robbing the local bank. He slowly made his way over to where she was standing. She was telling the deputy in front of her a few of the details she knew. He listened intently.

"What else" asked the sheriff?

"Well just what else can I tell you 'bout my burnt up house? You act like I'm supposed to have the answers" she angrily spewed at the sheriff.

"You mean you don't? It's your place," the sheriff said coyly.

"If I knew the S.O.B. who burnt up my house trust me we'd have the meat wagon here to pick up his dead ass body instead of you taking this police report."

"Don't you make money off this place" the sheriff asked? "Cause you don't live here, but rent it out, right?"

"Well I did before it got burnt up," she impatiently snapped.

"Who was the tenant ma'am? Cause I'll be honest. This ain't just a case of arson, but because of the dead body we're looking at murder."

"What dead body," she asked in a surprised lowered tone.

"The firemen found a dead body inside after putting out the fire. Now who did you say was your tenant?"

With a ghostly look, Mrs. Ophelia stared at the sheriff.

"Ma'am I need a name. What was your tenants name?" 

"Hoochie" she said. "His names Hoochie."

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