Chapter 53

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Your pain was omnipresent. You didn't feel anything else. Nothing was visible. about the dark? Is it just dark? Or are you already dying? Or you've already died...

It all hurts so much. Your body couldn't move. 
But you weren't cold. You felt warm. It was so nice. Even now you felt safe. 

You don't know if your eyes were open or closed. You just know that you only feel pain and warmth. You should be cold. It's chilly. There is no sun that warms you. Before, there was only a dark sky. You know you just ran blind into the woods.

You know very well you heard his voice.


"Come back here"

"Do not run away"

"Where are you"

And even...

"Come back to me" 

Each is a word... It was like a command for you. That's why you wanted to stop. Listen to him as always. After all, when you listened to him, everything was always fine. So why should it be different now.

When you were running, you wanted to stop. For him. You never wanted to hear anything like that. And you never wanted that to happen. But unfortunately. It has already been done...

You want good for Satoru. You don't want anything to happen to Nanami. 

Just like you don't want someone to take your life away from you. You feel so good after all.

If it's over...?

If someone were to destroy your relationship, you would be furious. You don't want anyone to take what you have now. Not that happiness was taken away.

But if you end this by disappearing from this world, it would be for the best. Satoru would stop going crazy. After all, it's because you are that he's become like that. You don't want it to get worse. You want him to be happy. And if your disappearance helps him regain normalcy? Maybe then he will find a loving partner who will love him as much as he does. If you are not there, it will be easier. For you as well as for him. 

But you don't know if you want to die. You want to be happy. You want to be with your senpai. After all, you love him. He gives you what you want. Despite your previous objections, you want him as he is. This sadistic and obsessive man. He just knows what to do to keep you with him despite. 

You would like to tell him you want to see him. You want to feel it. Tell him something. 

But now you are tired. So sore. You prefer squeezing into this pleasant warmth.

As he walked through the woods with your body in his arms, he felt your breathing softly. How warm you are. But still, he wanted to keep you warmer for your comfort. So he hugged you closer to him, just feeling your presence next to him.

He knew the feeling of warm blood draining from your arms and legs hit him. 

Wounds he didn't do. He didn't like it.

He quickened his pace as he felt your body soften in his arms. He saw your head move closer to his chest. He knew you were alive. That your condition is fairly stable. But he was still worried. 

Although he knew straightening your broken bones wouldn't be nice for you. He remembered the moment he broke your bones himself. For the usual punishment. For disobedience. However, now you have done nothing wrong. Even though you ran away. You moved away from him more than you should. You did it under the influence of strong emotions. Nothing more. You were so hurt during the moment when you just wanted peace. And he blamed himself and Nanami for that.

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