Chapter 48

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"Nanami, why are you doing this to me? " You groaned softly as you lay in his bed early in the morning. You were cold. You knew he couldn't hear you. He was in another room. You know very well he wouldn't want to hear you now. So why do you want to tell him something? Would you like to talk to him. Like an adult with an adult. Not that he tells you what he thinks. Just make sure you give him your opinion. You want so badly why he is doing this to you. Why did he take you.

You don't feel comfortable here. You just feel bad. You cannot be at peace without the fear you felt when you were with Gojo. Even though he passed, and you felt good with him. There was always a slight fear that you did something wrong. Like a pet, you waited for him to do something. 

Nanami was possessive. He always did his best to keep you from coming near Satoru when he was there. Whenever you talked to him and he would come up to you, he would pull you away. Is it mentally for you to think about something other than Gojo, or physically for you not to meet him. You never wanted to live that way. You always knew Nanami wasn't jealous of you. 

He was always just trying to protect you. He rejected everything else so that he can only be your attorney. And mostly he was defending you from something innocuous. Gojo was harmless to you then. You didn't understand his behavior, but now you understand. He is drool and paranoid. He is afraid you will die. 

You know very well how he reacted after Yu died. This was the first time you saw him cry. To never see him like that again. He promised himself not to kill anyone else again. That's why he protects you now. You were the last person he cared about. The last person he could protect because he knew you couldn't handle it. He was afraid that he would also lose it.

He was always afraid you would turn your back on him. That you won't need it anymore. He didn't want you to be with Gojo because you would already have rejected him. He would feel unnecessary. You would have someone else to protect and support you. Sure, he wouldn't mind if you were happy with someone. That you find someone who will love you. But out of millions of people around the world, you chose the wrong one. You chose Satoru Gojo. He didn't understand what went wrong. And why did you choose him, anyway. Not someone else, but this man. Attempts to drag him away from you have always been unsuccessful. He always found you together. The usual relationship between kohai and senpai. Nothing special. But not everyone can enter the soul of a Gojo. Not everyone feels like his energy is constantly changing. Nobody sees what his real life is like. 

He spent too much time with him. He saw too much to just let it go now.

He wanted you so badly to leave. For my own good.

But he never expected you to want to forget. Not that way. Every use of energy on the brain was dangerous. And you did it without thinking. You just wanted to forget. About what these Gojo did, how others treated you. No...

...You always wanted to forget how Nanami treated you. 

He thought it would be better without him. That if he doesn't interfere later, Gojo will be gentler on you. He was right. And even if he did, he was not so wrong. Gojo has been calmer for you. But that didn't change the fact that you were afraid of him. You couldn't accept that your senpai was like this. That he can do anything to take you away from life. To show you belong to him. Like a pet. Like item. 

But an item he loved very much. Which was so precious that it began to destroy everything in its path after you disappeared. He could kill someone. But everyone was out of his way. His energy then seeped out of him. It came out in waves, destroying whatever it could. Everyone was scared. They knew that a Gojo alone could destroy half the population on Earth. And even the entire population. 

❝Whispers In The Dark❞ || Gojo x reader Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu