Chapter 11

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"Since you understood your mistake. Let's fix it, okay?"

Now he seemed as nice again as before. That goddamn very quick change of mood...

He hurt you and humiliated you, and now he's acting like the same frivolous man again.

You were literally afraid of him and didn't want his touch. Gojo decided otherwise and touched you like he wanted. He picked you up holding you in his arms as he walked to the bathroom. When he opened the door, memories flooded you. This first bath of yours. Combined with his perverted threats and everything. He used to bathe you like this often. He never completely undressed.

He sat you down on the sink cabinet as he bent down to open the last drawer. He took the first aid kit out of there and put it near you. Before opening it, he reached down to your face, wiping the tears from one side with his hand. Then he put his lips to yours with his hand, opening your jaw.

You don't remember the last time someone kissed you like that.

Even a pleasant kiss turned into something you wanted to end when suddenly he grabbed your tongue between his teeth, biting it quite hard. You shuddered from another sudden pain. This "kiss" was reasonably short, but before he left your mouth completely he happened to dig his teeth into his lower lip by cutting it and staining his white teeth redYou shuddered from another sudden pain. This "kiss" was pretty short, but before it left your mouth completely, it stuck its teeth into your lower lip, cutting it and dyeing its white teeth red. You felt a metallic taste in your mouth. He still ran his tongue over the wound, collecting your fresh blood in his mouth, humming.

As he pulled back, he looked at the blood mixing with yours and his saliva and staining his lips a little red. The cheek he had previously wiped from the tears was stained with them again. He ran his thumb over his mouth collecting blood and saliva before wiping his hand on a nearby towel. He couldn't help but kiss your bleeding lips again, and immediately after that his lips moved to one cheek licking up tears. It wasn't a little pleasant when his warm muscle touched your skin, collecting salty tears to savor your crying.

"You're cute." he said with a smile, rubbing the other cheek.

He grabbed the first aid kit and opened it. When you looked there you froze. Everything you need for wounds and fractures is there. Most things are missing in every medicine cabinet. Here are just bandages for stiffening. Lots of bandages. And wound disinfectant and gauze. Most of the first aid kits you saw had many more items. It's as if he knows what's going to happen to you in this house. Wounds and fractures.

He took the disinfectant and poured it on a small cloth before applying it to the little wound on your lip. It stung for a moment, but only for a moment. Putting aside everything he used now, he took the bandage and then bent down to grab your hand. He lifted it to the height of his mouth and placed a kiss on the bluish skin at the fracture site. In your opinion, he pressed his lips too hard on the sore spot so you quickly pulled your hand away from him with the other wanting to push his head away. He grabbed your wrist so you wouldn't move your arm and with the other hand he grabbed your other hand so you wouldn't hit him. He was still holding it to his mouth. You could only kick him.

As if knowing your intention to try to kick him, he pressed your legs against the locker with his chest and stuck his teeth into the swollen skin. Not that hard, but it hurt badly anyway. He got a groan of pain from you and your eyes fill with tears again. He could listen to your screams and groans for hours. It doesn't matter if it's pain or pleasure. He knew the screams and groans of pain sounded great when they came from you, but he was still curious when they were when they were pleasurable. Are they as great as the ones in pain? Or maybe even better?

After this painful attack, he brushed his lips lightly against the skin again.

He grabbed his hand judging how much he hurt you. Sometimes he pushed, ignoring how it hurt.

"You're lucky it's not broken with displacement. Then I would have to adjust it." he said smiling slightly. Like a psychopath...

Grabbing a bandage, he wrapped it around his arms, clenching it. Now all you felt was a dull throb.

"Exactly. Close your eyes." He said. You looked at him questioningly. "Until then, close your eyes. I have to do something. For our safety."

Surrendering you did as he said, lowering your eyelids. You felt that he was putting his hand on your breastbone. He whispered something and suddenly you felt a strong flow of his damned energy over your body. Too very intense.

"I'm done!" he said, taking his hand off you. It was normal, but it felt a little different.

"What have you done to me?" you asked looking at your hands.

"Nothing special. I just sealed your damn energy inside you. You won't be able to use it." he said bluntly.


"Let me answer the questions that are probably in your sweetheart right now before you say them." he puts his index finger in front of your mouth silencing you. "If you suddenly wanted to rebel and use it, it would be a problem because you would hurt both you and me. You wouldn't be able to hurt me physically, but you would do it mentally because I would have to do something to you again that would be appropriate for what you did, and believe me, the only punishment would be suffering that you cannot imagine, which I would not like to do to you because it would involve permanent damage to your body. And you would be hurt by the punishment.

He said it as if he wanted to do something to you...

If he sealed your energy within you, you can no longer be a verb of Jujutsu. And he won't feel your presence as much as he does now.

"I almost forgot. Just because you can't use cursed energy doesn't mean other sorcerers won't feel it." he said as if he was reading your mind.

From now on, you have become a normal person who cannot even try to oppose him anymore.

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