Chapter 10

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Warning: Violence

Dead flower petals fell to the ground, crumbling. You stared at him stiffening in fear after seeing that face again. You saw her every time you did something unforgivable.

You honestly didn't want to know what would happen to you next...

He could kill you, torture you... Anything bad.

An ominous aura made your body paralyzed. The legs could not bear the weight of the body and all the pressure. It could be that good...  He had been in such a good mood from the very morning. He woke up smiling hugging you. Even though this tenderness made you sick, he was cheerful from this morning. He got out of bed wanting to make breakfast. He wanted to make the house nice and he went to get flowers. Then you spoiled his feelings for the next few days.

When he started approaching you, you felt like life flashed before your eyes. If an ordinary person could die from someone else's sight, you would have died several times already.

It's as if the world stops working when the strongest and most dangerous person in the world approaches you as a victim. You made a mistake that you will never forget.

Suddenly you felt a sharp pull on your forearm before being brutally pulled towards the house which is about to become your hell. You felt something in your hand snap.

He literally dragged your body across the ground as you started to protest and scream you grabbed his hand not wanting him to hold you. You thought about the worst that could do to you. The tears flowed along with the screams, even now feeling the pain. The pain in his hand from his grip and the mental pain ahead of what awaits you.

You were instantly silenced with a great hand covering your mouth. The nails digging hard into the cheek were almost bleeding. Now all the sounds you made were muffled but still audible. Seeing the threshold of the house next to him, instinctively hooking his shoe against it. As soon as he saw it he pulled your body tighter until your grip released. That's how he knocked out your will to fight.

Grasping your neck, he tossed you on the floor.

Feeling the strength in your limbs, standing on all fours, you managed to move just less than a meter away from him before he put his foot on your back pushing you down. Any other attempt to get up made you just lose your strength. He put pressure on you with his shoe, always bringing you lower. He was showing you your place underneath him.

"You should think more about it." he said, taking the shoe off of you. "I will give you a punishment that you will not forget for a long time."

You could have guessed it was going to be horrible.

"Say... What were you thinking when you distracted me by making me think you'd be good and wouldn't run away?"

Saying the last word, he put the heel of the other foot on your hand. He lightly bounced it off your skin before suddenly pressing hard, giving your bone almost all its weight. You heard a hideous crack and felt a sudden jolt of pain. A cry of pain and agony was inevitable. Tears stained the floor where you lay and you curled up in pain. He broke your arm for disobedience. This is probably the worst punishment he has given you so far. The most painful. He twisted his shoe a few times at the site of the worst pain, causing even louder agonizing screams and crying. He pulled the leg off the bone and when you wanted to grab it and curl up into a ball to at least try to relieve the pain, he sat on your back causing further pain and breathing problems. Now you were worried about your ribs. They, too, might burst soon.

"Do you think it paid off? Well, look what condition you are in now. I should call you „bitch" instead of all those cute names. So that's right. Ungrateful bitch. Maybe I should still break something else? For example... A leg. So you can't escape. Because tell me how you can escape by limping?" he joked. He certainly has a dark humor.

"This hand was just a warning. If you do that again, I won't hesitate to do something else. You can't even use any blasted technique against me. Or maybe you prefer a cage? Or a leash again? For this I can find a muzzle. So this is my final warning. Next time, don't count on it to get away with it. Next time I will treat you like my very own pet that you are. So I advise you to unlearn how to run."

All of this was serious. When he finally got off of you, you grabbed your forearm, grabbing a very sore spot. The tears never stopped flowing. You found the bone is not completely fractured but broken. Two weeks and it should be fine. Even if it was just it, it still hurt. You wanted to stay on the floor and hide from the world. Stay in here and just listen to the insults flying your way.

As that thought popped into your head, you were caught in your hair and pulled on it. That's how he picked you up off the floor. It was evident that he knew how to bully someone and hurt someone. He was a real sadist. You couldn't stand on your own feet because you were only touching the floor with the tips of your toes. The scalp was burning from the pulling of the hair, and the Gojo just wanted you to suffer right now. That you would know your big mistake you made.

You were ready to succumb to him. Let him just leave you. You wanted someone to help you. He will help with the pain and help mentally. You only had him, so you wanted him to show a more delicate and emotional side, at least for a moment. So that instead of hurting you, he would make him disappear. Nobody would ever want to experience it.

You were ready to apologize to him and tell him to stop. Let him leave you alone for once. Let him not hurt you for all your offenses.

"P-please stop...!" you said as loud as you could with a lump in your throat from sobbing. When he let go of your hair to his feet again, he grabbed the wrist right next to the broken area that started to swell. When you followed his gaze, you saw him direct his other hand to your forearm. You didn't know what his intentions were, so you started to panic. "No! Please no! Forgive me!"

He didn't let go of your hand, but he smiled.

"Since you understood your mistake. Let's fix it, okay?"

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