Chapter 18

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When he took you to the garden it was very nice. He showed you it all. Small pool, jacuzzi and more. For something he was preparing, it was beautiful. Flowers, plants and other decorations even though the garden was not that big. All surrounded by a decorated wall. Before a moment you even wondered how much he spent on it all.

You felt a sudden and momentary pressure on your neck. The gojo pulled the leash to break you out of the thoughtful trance.

"You know... I made this garden especially for you. I chose everything with you in mind. Do you like it?"

You hesitated for a moment on your answer.

"Yes. It is... Nice. Thank you, Gojo." You said by even making a little smile that became sincere.

"I would do anything for you." he whispered hugging you suddenly from behind. It was the first time you felt comfortable with him. Until a bad thought ran through your mind. Or rather, it was a recent memory when you always tried to convince yourself and people that you didn't know Gojo. Maybe that's why he became like that...


"Let's go home." he said suddenly after another hour of walking in the garden and around the house. He didn't even try to mask the fact that he was bored. You nodded obediently and followed him towards the door inside.

There, a pleasant surprise was waiting for you because the white-haired one pulled off your collar and all the restrictions you were wearing. You immediately felt lighter without them. You even wondered why he did it if you always have something on you or he has it with him and he can wear it on you at any time. He threw the leash along with the collar to the other end of the room, not worrying about where it fell, and threw himself on the couch raising his hands to you for you to join him. You sat on the other end of the couch, not even knowing if you wanted to be next to him today or away. Today was different. He had changed for at least one day, even though he was now overly kind and caring. You would have mistaken him for another Satoru Gojo if it weren't for that as soon as you sat down, he fell sideways on you, making you lay beneath him and his face pressed against your stomach when he closed his eyes.

"You know that I love you." He said.

"Yes..." you replied wanting to be alone.

"At the beginning... I just fell in love with you. It was still at school." suddenly he said making you confused by his sudden confession. "Later it turned into love and continued until we both graduated from school and even later. And when I heard them talking about you, my blood was boiling behind your back and I wanted to protect you from unnecessary annoyance. I think that's when I turned into who I am now. It's not just love anymore, (y/n). But also an obsession. I became obsessed with you and always wanted you to be with me and no one else. I told myself a couple of times that you are my property and I believed it then and still do. Nobody can touch you except me. Nobody will tell you anything bad, much less a compliment, except for me. Nobody's gonna hurt you... Beyond me... I have followed these rules from the beginning and I will not give up on them. They are important to me to keep you by my side. But I can't anymore... I've been thinking about how beautiful you are when you smile and cry and scream. Whether it's out of rage or pain. I want to do so many things to you that I can't get over it."

Trying to process what he just said, you shuddered.

"I promise not to touch you the wrong way until you want it yourself. Believe me that someday you will be curious and you will not regret it if you get used to it mentally. I will not give up on my plans for you, even if you don't want to. There is no way that I will deny myself the pleasure of reassuring you since I know it will be pleasant for you as well... But... You still have time for various choices. As soon as they are good, you will finally be happy with me. But a few bad ones can trigger something you don't stop. Do you understand that, my darling cupcake?"

"Yes. I understand..." you said letting your hands relax at the sides of your body.

"That's good. I would never want you dead. That's why I want you to act before it's too late." he poked his nose at your belly, hugging you even tighter. "I never meant bad for you. For as long as I can remember you have been such a sweet kouhai that the inner ones have been asking you not to die during the mission. But sometimes I wanted you to come back injured, and I could nurse you until you fully recovered. Old Yaga would never let me bath you, but there would be other activities. I've always wanted to be with you and now it's finally happened. I am very happy with it."


When the sun started to go down he cheerfully took you to the bedroom where he said he had something for you. You only saw him take the box out of the closet, laying something out of it aside. You were curious about what it was and tilted your head to the side looking for the answer.

He turned suddenly, spreading the fabric in front of you and stepping closer. He was holding a soft blanket in your favorite color that he had given you one year for Christmas. Memories came back, but you thought it was a blanket you bought. Yours disappeared when you moved out of your room at school. You were looking at the corner of the fabric right now because if it was the real thing, it was embroidered on it.

"Oh? This is the same blanket I gave you! Have a look!" he gave it to you when he saw your questioning look.

It was the same blanket. Everything was preserved, there was an inscription embroidered on one of the corners „For a loved (y / n) "

Now, judging by the feelings he has confessed, it has a completely different meaning than when you didn't know it yet.

"I remember looking for him all the time after you left the room. I took it with me hoping to give it to you one day. This is the moment. I would like to cheer you up. I know how much you liked hugging him."

Handed you a down blanket. You always liked to wrap yourself in it on frosty days and nights, and it always cheered you up. It reminded me of him. Even now. But now he reminded the old Gojo of that. Not the one who kidnapped you and treats you badly, but the one he was before. Cheerful, kind and caring. You would like that part to be still in him, you would fall in love with him as it was at school. So it's nice to keep you here. That you would return at least a little bit of the feelings he has for you.

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