Chapter 31

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It was a dream. You know this is a dream. But he was so real. He could remind you of anything.

You opened your eyes again. You were in the dark. Again. The younger you has disappeared. You were alone there. 

No sound or nothing. No picture except black and you. 

You don't know if the voices were suddenly in your head or outside. They were silent anyway. Just like those before. Difficult to understand, but some words were easy.

"He isn't bad."

"He's not that cruel."

"He's not mean."

"He just need you. "

"He want only you."

"He only loves you."

"He only protects you."

"He's fine."

"He's not doing anything wrong."

"He trying to be with you like then. "

"Don't run away from him."

"You're gonna hurt him."

"Don't dismiss him. "

"He want good for you."

"He's doing it all for you."

"For you."

"Let him love you."

"Stay close with him. "

"He need you."

"He loves you."

"He can't live normally without you. "

"He does not want to lose you."

"He just wants love. Just like before."

Is that all your mind was telling you? It's a dream, after all. It all happens in your head. This is what your body and mind are telling you. He always says it's okay with him, and only with him. as if you would like to find out what is best for you. The heart struggles with the mind. And your body gave way to the mind. It didn't make any sense. Because you were still yourself, but you didn't feel that way. It was all just whispers in your head. But it made a big difference to what you were supposed to feel. You can't change your habit of having him anymore, so you won't run away that easily. Because if so, it will be empty. Your whole life will be empty and lifeless. 

He always added darkness, from which you can guess why it all turned black from white.

You saw why you were trying to get away from him all this time. You may have always forgotten his technique in school, but there was always something wrong. You distance yourself from everyone. Friends didn't talk to you as before. You were rejected. Despite their willing patterns to talk, they suddenly left. Even Nanami. You couldn't get him out of your life, but he got you out of his. 

You've been removed from everyone. 

But your senpai was much closer. He was rarely at school, but when he did, he made an effort to spend his time with you. He knew how you were suffering from loneliness, and he was glad that after all this, people finally broke off from you. Especially Nanami. The bruises on his neck and shoulders told him exactly that it was over. 

Even though Gojo was exaggerating, he was always there next to you, smiling. He was the only one who was worried about you now and cared for you. 

You never wanted to turn him down like you did. You forgot about him...

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