Chapter 4

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Darkness. You knew you woke up but you saw the darkness. You knew you woke up because of the pain in your neck. Nothing would hurt like that in a dream. Plus, you couldn't move. You didn't know why that was even if you wanted to know so badly. You heard the steps. As if someone was nearby. But it was muffled which meant it was behind a wall or a door. Walking sounds and talking sounds.

Even blindfolded, you knew who it was. You knew that voice. Satoru Gojo. The muffled voice turned to a clear sound as you heard the turning of a doorknob. I swallowed hard as the closer footsteps reached your ears. Everything that happened was real and there was no doubt. His smiling face when he suddenly showed up at your house. A hand on your neck. You remembered everything too well. You would never expect him to give you the letters. Everyone but him. The most dangerous man in the world. He never seemed like this.

"You woke up. That's good. For a moment I was afraid that I had killed you. It would be a terrible loss for me." he said, coming closer and closer to where you were.

"What are you-" you said instinctively.

"As if you don't know why you're here. Everything I feel is in the letters." his hand suddenly touched yours as he suddenly appeared next to you. You pulled your restraints around your chest and arms, thinking you might be able to break free. Nothing of that. He had to tie it well at the back. You felt hands on your arms holding you down. He didn't want you to mess around. He tied it so that he wouldn't hurt you that much and you can do it to yourself.

"Let me out!" you screamed, terrified of being unable to move as you wanted.

"Shhh. If you're a good girl, I'll untie you." he grabbed his blindfold on your face and pulled it up to take it off. You've already seen the place you've been. Basement. No windows or anything but stairs to the top. You looked at him with wide eyes. His usual cocky smile on his lips. He was close to you. Too close. Your faces were almost touching. "Shall I untie you?" He asked. You nodded your head. "Use words." he ordered.

"Yes." you overwhelmed your reluctance to speak. He walked around the chair, bending down to the rope behind you. You've been waiting impatiently for the ropes to become loose and to be able to get away from this place and from it. However, the ropes remained unchanged. You jumped up feeling his hot breath against your neck and then against your ear. He chuckled at your reaction, lightly brushing the nostrils over your ear.

"So you will be polite and you will listen to what I say?" he asked, leaning his head against yours.


"Well. Don't you dare run away or even move. Understand?"


You slowly felt the rope slack and suddenly fell from your shoulders. You instinctively wanted to run away, but your body obeyed his command. You were still sitting quietly in the chair as he removed the rest of the rope from you and rolled it up. He instructed you to get up and go up the stairs in front of him. You did as you were told, slowly walking to higher and higher platforms leading to another corridor. When he told you to go ahead of him, there was no option to escape. Being behind you, he could intervene in a moment and catch you. Especially since he was so close to you. You could almost feel him touching your back. Already at the very top of the stairs you looked between the farther corridor leading to the living room and the door outside. The gojo, noticing that you are looking there, walked past you standing on the other side with one hand resting against the wall. He showed you can't go there. You turned your head to go in the other direction. Where he wanted you to go. Meanwhile, your eyes searched for an escape. Nothing. All windows cannot be opened. There were probably also reinforcements. Gojo had to prepare for all of this. It was impossible for him to drag you to a house he hadn't prepared before. He had to do everything to keep you from escaping. He showed the rooms and showed you around the house until he told you to sit on a comfortable couch in the living room. He himself disappeared into the only room on the second floor - the bedroom. As soon as you heard that he had entered the stairs you got up quickly but quietly walking to the front door. You expected them to be closed but they were open. Even if it was a trap, you already felt you had a chance to escape. When leaving the door, you tried to close it as quietly as possible before you started running as fast as you could on the sidewalk, hoping that your kidnapper did not know that you ran away yet. But what could you be thinking? He, the last of the Gojo clan, knew from the start that you moved. Your damn energy showed it on its own. He didn't expect you to run away without thinking, but you did. The moment you stepped out of the house, he smiled at your own stupidity. To run away from him? You? It's ridiculous.

"And you promised to be a good girl, (y/n). I think someone deserves a punishment." he said to himself, getting up from the cupboard next to which he was crouched.


Your muscles burned from the exertion as you ran forward without even looking back. He must have known already. You were sure of it. But if he doesn't sense your energy, he won't find you. You wanted it. You didn't see any living soul nearby. No one who can help you. You really didn't think that a nice Gojo would turn into your kidnapper. He's been giving you letters for so long and he never said it to your face. You didn't see how he felt or anything. Therefore, he remained only a senpai. Until now. It was the first time in your life that you were afraid of him and didn't want to meet him. For the first time since the first meeting. He's definitely been after you by now. He knew exactly where you could run away. He was playing with you. He was waiting for the right moment.

You felt an empty and cold feeling as his overwhelming aura reached you. He was close. Even without a chance, you tried to run farther to avoid him. Zero chances. No matter what you do, it will always catch you. You stopped after a bend on the sidewalk. There was none other than the white-haired sorcerer standing there. Your breathing stopped at the sight of his smile. He wasn't furious. He was amused by your futile attempt.

"I didn't expect this from you. And I wanted to give you a gift. Apparently you really want some punishment." he came over and grabbed your wrist before you could pull away. He squeezed it, causing you to groan in pain. "We're going home."

He teleported you back home and tossed you to the floor. It didn't seem delicate at all. He turned away wanting to leave you.

"Why you never said anything?!" you shouted at him, getting his attention.


"All these letters ...! You wrote so many affectionate words in them ...! And when I saw you, you acted like they didn't exist!"

"If I had said you would react the same."

"It happened because you kidnapped me! You're crazy! I hate you!"

"...I advise you to be careful with your words..." he said menacingly bending down to your level to catch your face.

"So why...?!"

"You would do the same in my position."

"... So... Why?" your voice lowered.

"I wanted to protect you from me."

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