Chapter 34

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It wasn't love. Rather his sick invention. All this time, he somehow managed to take over you. Train like your obedient pet. It wasn't real love. You just couldn't live without him anymore. Accustomed to his constant presence next to you when he rewarded or punished you. He did what he liked with you. But you really realized he was the one your mother once told you about. The one who will change your life. He changed them by bringing love into your life. He loved you and you wanted to be loved. Even though his expression of feelings was different from what you had ever seen, they were still feelings... He hurt you, he locked you in cages, he tied you up. It was all for the greater good. For him. It was obvious he didn't want you to leave him. He did not want to be left alone. Though you might be questioning his "love.".

He was mean and selfish. Narcissistic bastard. He never had a real relationship. The only thing you remember about him related to romanticism is inviting you on a date when you were even younger. You did not take his invitation seriously and politely refuse him. Because it wasn't a date for you, it was a meeting with senpai. He was like a friend. But it's been hell 10 years since then. He was 18 then and you were 16... 

He flirted at school... For this blood lust in his eyes associated with love. He saw you looking at others. As he looks at you now... Saying that he loves and showing affection, but he wanted to destroy you in all possible ways so that you would not just die.

By saying all these words to him when you didn't mean insulting him, you sealed your next life. Happiness and suffering in one. 

You got too used to him to want to run away any longer. Because life without him will not be the same life...

Therefore, you would rather suffer because of he than to suffer without he...

You can't leave now that you know he's so nice with him. It protects you, cares for you and fulfills your whims. Everything for you. 

Everything about you tells you that he is the good one, and you shouldn't go against it. 

You already regretted that question as before. You left the house and he was suffering. He was bending with despair. He didn't want to be alone. He was showing this weakness. He himself needed someone next to him. He chose you. He chose a long time ago. And because of that, you couldn't help but think that you were hurting him. But instead of his face twisted in mental agony, you could see the smile now anyway. The eyes that burn your soul out were always on you. 

You were surprised that he didn't take all your freedom after that. 

But you might have guessed it was because you came back to him on your own. You showed him tenderness. You walked over to him instead of running away. Before you would run away. Just like at school. But you can't run any longer. You cannot forget about him. To forget treating him like a stranger never helped. Because you still felt that something was tearing you apart internally. You even told him outright that you didn't know him. You knew him and you couldn't help but know him. He was still close to you, but you refused to admit it. You didn't want to allow your side to be scrutinized by the school. You'd be more naive to him then. More innocent and willing to be around. Now you were isolating yourself from him. But she came out of you. You came out of the closure yourself. From the barrier you put up to protect yourself from emotions. He pulled you out of there. The real you who thought of him as a loved one. You cared about him and you couldn't change it. It was like an internal war. Your happiness depended on it. 


"Cupcake~ How long are you going to sleep?" 

You weren't sleeping, or rather napping very shallowly. You heard everything he said. But it never disturbed your thinking. 

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