Chapter 46

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"N-Nanami! Stop!" you screamed as you tried to pull your wrist out of his painful grip.

He did not answer.


"Stop screaming." he growled turning his head slightly towards you.

"But Nanami...! Where are you-"

"Do not shout." he suddenly stopped, shoving his hand into your mouth to silence you. "Will you be quiet? I'll explain everything to you on the spot."


"I'll tell you everything right there, okay? A bit more." he said slowly taking his hand away from you.

He just thought about screaming at any moment. He was afraid that you would not recognize him and that you would think he was some ordinary kidnapper. He wasn't. Well, maybe in part. But he didn't mean to be wrong. He was afraid, but not necessary. You met him. Even though he suddenly entered your house, he so suddenly took you, you still met him. He didn't know if you saw his face so much or for a moment. You just met him, and that was enough for him.

He was worried that you couldn't stand walking with him that much. You were tired. He saw it. He felt your hand being stretched over his hand sometimes. You didn't follow his steps. But you kept walking. He was sure you were leaving traces. He knew your feet were dragging on the ground.

He didn't think long about what would happen and how you would go. But he forgot that when you are home you won't have shoes or anything warm to wear. But that was what he could be worried about. He couldn't think you were going to be sick. Nothing of that. It was important that you got to the car with him. This is the most important thing. He could cure your cold later. Warm you and feed you. It would be the best. But even so, he knew that it was better to prevent disease than to cure it. And now he was practicing the opposite of what he thought.

He couldn't feel the chill or the branches digging into his feet. And you felt. Your socks were damp ground and dirty. That was the worst downside to living with a Gojo near the forest. His home is a place away from people. There was a street behind the forest. But you know Satoru knows more about the roads around. This is Tokyo. There were a lot of places here that you don't know about.

Now you can't think you know where You're Going. It was darker outside and you didn't see much. But Nanami seemed to see a lot more.

He knew you should be asleep by now. He knew that you were already resting with Gojo at this hour. You slept long and comfortably. You ate well. You were clean and tidy.

He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment at the thought. He didn't want to think you were comfortable with him. It can not be. He was exaggerating too much. Ieiri's words were confusing to him.


He didn't want to hear anything. Nothing for nothing. He kept walking. He didn't hear you. He was thinking about something else. He didn't want to think you were very comfortable with Gojo. He was afraid of this truth. He didn't want you to be with him. He just didn't want this. He never wanted to. Not now, not at school. He has always preferred to take care of you. But he couldn't. He preferred it because he always knew what to do. He knew what was wrong with you. How to help. What to do.

Now, with the Gojo doing it for him? What can it do? He doesn't know what he's doing to you. He doesn't know what's wrong with you. He doesn't know what to do. He would like to do something about it, but he cannot. That's why he wanted you so badly.


He never wanted to look at such a state. Not for your condition. Always tired, always weak. Without my own free will. But now you seemed normal. And how you thanked me for the drink. How you distracted the White-haired man from him so that he wouldn't fall into a trance. That he wouldn't want to kill him. It didn't feel like a normal hate report. It didn't look like you didn't want to be there.

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