Chapter 45

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"Nanami... These meetings are starting to annoy me..." Gojo groaned rubbing his temple.

"I have said many times that I am not here for you." he replied looking in your direction.

"Enough of that. You have to stop. Satoru, you can get me some water?" you said when you started looking at the gojo.

"But he–"

"It's okay. It's only for a moment."

"Okay..." he groaned kissing your cheek before standing up, making his way down the hall to another room.

You saw how suddenly Nanami stood up, walking quickly towards you. He fell on one knee as he began to speak seriously. Not so loud, but still firm.

He didn't want the Gojo to hear him talking to you.

And he wanted to talk to you. To convince.

After what Ieiri told him. She was right.


"Nanami. If you don't want her to be with Gojo, take her away. Convince him that he must go. Or just take it away. These are the only ways. But of course there is also an option to leave it where it is." 

"There is a risk..." 

"Risk or not... You must think carefully. Now she's safe with him. If you take her, there is a chance that she will be hurt. Mentally, physically. And even worse when a Gojo finds her. You know he can blame everyone. Not only one person. So maybe instead of just you, maybe he blame her as well."

"I doubt he would." 

"Didn't believe me if you don't want to. This is your choice. But I doubt you will leave her there." 

"Even if I have to die at the hands of this idiot, I'll help her." 

When the blonde came to arrange the next meeting, he did not hear the woman's words. And she knew how it would end.

"It's gonna be fun..."


"(y/n)...  come with me." He said straight.

"Come? Come with you?" you asked, dimly thinking about his words. You didn't really understand it. Too many sedatives. Or too little. It is possible that you just made it up. But who knows...

"You have to listen to me. Come with me. I will take care of you. Away from him. You'll be safe."

"But I am–"

"I want to take you so you don't have to be here. It will not imprison you."

"He's not imprison me..."

"(y/n) please. I know you remember me. I know you remember everything. Absolutely everything. So remember how I cared for you. I still want to care. I have to protect you. So please agree. He is dangerous. Also for you. I'll take you home."


"Yes. To your house. You will live as you used to."

"Here is home. And then... It wasn't nice... It's better now."


"What do you want from her?" Gojo suddenly appeared next to him with a glass of water in one hand, and the other was clenched into a fist.

"Like I can't talk to her." He said sarcastically.

"Get away from her. Do not piss me off." growled pushing the blonde closer to the other couch. "Here, cupcake." he handed you the glass, putting the rim to your mouth, and he gave it to you right after you took your first sips.

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