Chapter 23

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You never expected to smile at him again. And honestly. 

He got to know you somehow. It bit your body and made you feel good. Comfortably, relaxed and warm with him. 

But even if that was how your body felt, it was impossible to hide that you were still scared and tense internally. He was sweet and caring. Sometimes even delicate. But you couldn't forget what he did for nothing in the world. What does he do to you next... 

It was much more to his psyche. 

You'd have to be painfully drunk to throw yourself in his arms and hold on. Because being drunk is worse than being close to death, for example...

When you are drunk you don't know what you are doing. You wouldn't remember it later. You wouldn't be aware of anything. 

And during your last moments in the world, you would be aware. Even if he was the last person with you, even if he was the only one crying for you, you cannot allow him to be satisfied.

At least you think so...

If, by some strange coincidence, you are at least a little used to it, you may get used to it even more in the future.

Suppose you are 10 percent used to it.

You could start counting. 10% in less than 5 months. 

"I doubt I could go on that long..." you said to yourself as you stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. There were marks on your neck. Bites, bruises and even a scratch. Same on your arms, neck, chest, stomach, and thighs. You don't even want to know what's on your back. You don't even know when it was all done. You remember the night, and you don't remember him ever marking you that much during it. Yesterday you certainly didn't have it, and the signs also looked fresh. Still red, not purple... 

But one thing was for sure. You were happy to say that most of them are not as strong as you thought. It is true that there are a few that look terrible and are huge. Red and purple and they hurt. Like a bruise, not a love bite. Everything may even disappear quickly, but these will remind you of all of this. There was a tooth trail around this one. And not just any trace. Bite mark and pierced skin where the fangs are. 

You really don't want to know what's really going on.

You remember, but you were muffled by the lust of your body and its insistence. 


As soon as you cursed the door banged open and in it stood a Gojo in pants but no shirt.

"You're expressing yourself badly. I let you swear? I do not recall..." he said, coming closer with a serious face. You looked at his reflection in the mirror without turning to face him. You wanted so badly to talk back to him...

"You have no power over my vocabulary any more than you have no power over me." you said with a little huff at the beginning of the sentence.

"You're not talking nicely to me..." he said nodding his head from side to side. 

"Same as you for me..." you said softly to yourself so he wouldn't hear it, but it didn't work...

"I heard everything. I try not to challenge you as much as I can. You pay me back so much?"

"I don't think I need to remind you what you said to me..."

"Oh~? So your brain wasn't fucked up then as it was later. You didn't even oppose my mouth and my hands. It was beautiful~ But you're such the best whore to my cock that I can't resist calling you that. But in a good way!"

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