Chapter 3

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The letter in your hand seemed completely unlike any other, but it was the same at the same time. The sweet words written on the paper may have been untrue or pretended. You still wonder who is secretly giving them to you. Certainly no one you know. Or that person knows you and you don't remember him. Your memory for people is so fragile that you forget their names an hour after the meeting. Of course, there are also people who are memorable and you remember about them. For example, Naoya Zen'in who always say something to you or Satoru Gojo who was surprisingly nice to you today. You expected the strongest sorcerer to be arrogant towards everyone, including you. He wasn't nice to everyone but you. It's just sad, you won't see him anytime soon. You weren't going to go to Jujutsu High in the days to come, or not at all. He was a teacher there and was there every day teaching students. You were always unnecessary there. Your teacher's disinterest in missions and other students doesn't like you very much. Just like Gojo. Yaga was a good man, but he had a hard time controlling himself at times.

Your school years have been torment and fun. Sitting in a secluded place while others were talking to each other. Sometimes you laughed at what the Gojo did. Your Senpai, two years older. You got to know him before but didn't pay much attention to him. You were children.

Going to class with Ijichi, who was learning to become an assistant from the start, was a bit boring. He never liked confusion and was afraid of the tension between the Gojo and his superiors. He feared like the others, even when Gojo was arguing with Geto. What could happen if the two strongest confronted each other? Nice but unpleasant memories.

The note in your hands was about to be torn. It didn't happen because you finally read something hidden but so obvious. Your thoughts have been disturbed by thinking. Without further thought, you put the note down when you went to bed for some reason not feeling alone.


You couldn't sleep. Whenever you close your eyes, you are reminded of letters and hidden meanings of certain words. This riddle is only now interesting to you. A way to discover who this man is. The way to know the truth.

When you jumped to your feet, you turned on the light, taking out all the letters and spread them out on your bed. Only a few had highlighted sentences. Most of the time the date was typed normally, but three of them were underlined. 28th day of the month. You've been getting these lists for three months now, and you always get one on the 28th. You knew it was also related to a mystery. You had no idea what this number was about. Normal number 28. You put the letters aside without underlining and only looked at the ones with sentences.

"Black obscures my sight"

"I look at you through blue crystals"

"I feel like I know everything about you with three pairs of eyes"

"So close, so far. From young to adult"

"I feel the infinity next to you. I am dreaming to spend it with you"

"An endless void vanished from my life as you filled it with yourself"

And then you looked at the last letter. Distinctive letters. Affectionate words. The letters could be linked. You slowly pushed them one by one until something took a breath away from your lungs. Name. Satoru Gojo. Letters made up his name. Everything would be correct.

"Black obscures my sight" - he is wearing a blindfold or glasses.

"I look at you through blue crystals" - his eyes look like them.

"I feel like I know everything about you with three pairs of eyes" - three pairs of eyes. Six eyes.

"So close, so far. From young to adult" - you knew him when you were kids. You both grew up being close to each other anyway. You were so close to each other but mentally far away.

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